The Woman in the Refrigerator

Apr 22, 2008 11:43

So the trusty wikipedia entry explains that Cases of 'Women in Refrigerators Syndrome' deal with a gruesome injury or murder of a female character at the hands of a supervillain, usually as a motivating personal tragedy for a male superhero to whom the victim is connected. The death or injury of the female character then helps cement the hatred between the hero and the villain responsible.

I've been aware of it for a while, and I remember reading a really awesome fic a few years back, wherein a fangirl has the ability to step into any fan Universe she desires, and have a relationship with any of the heroes she chooses - only to end up as a Refrigerated Woman at the hands of one of the villains in Miami Vice (she forgot the cardinal rule about 80s detectives; they always need to be sexually available, thus their girlfriends always need to be gotten rid of).

I didn't realise Something Positive had done a strip sending up the Syndrome though - it's kinda horrifying AND hilarious at the same time! I pray for you.

feminism, comics, media

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