That's cool

Oct 04, 2007 08:59

Some rather pronoiac, happy making stuff:

A recent study in the Netherlands says that children raised by lesbian couples as compared to heterosexual ones have no more socialisation or developmental problems.
And, the lesbian couples tend to be happier with their lives, relationships and child-rearing.

One of my f'list posted last month about a trans-gender student at her daughter's school in North America. And the awesome letter sent home by the school, supporting said student. It made me want to shriek and cheer - how amazing and fantastic!

Freewill Astrology Hororscope for Libra, week of October 4:
Would you be willing to get down on your knees in the dirt and howl out adamant prayers? Would you be crazy enough and sane enough to beg the gods, muses, and guardian angels to dissolve anything that's interfering with your ability to be your authentic self and live the life you were born to live? Until you do, you may have to tolerate being less than authentic and living only part of the life you were born to live. The good news is that it's a perfect moment to start smashing the obstructions to your happiness.

happy, pronoia, links

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