Is it just me, or is everyone feeling alone and unhappy right now? (totally unrelated to the date, honest to whatever deity you might believe in) Is it my Age Group? Am I contagious? Is there some future bearing down on us that is causing this malcontent? I've noticed everyone around me starting to mirror the same feelings I have, to the point where, yet again, I'm left wondering just how much influence I have on the rest of the world. I've always wondered about whether I'm just a mind, dreaming, manipulating the world to the tiniest extent. Movies like Vanilla Sky and the Science of Sleep don't help. I remember thinking like that as early as 8 years old though, so who knows? Last night, I had a cool dream, but I can only remember a few parts of it. There was one part where I was out by a circular pool, like the ones you see on discovery channel, the ones they temporarily put rescued dolphins in and such. In it was a large, lumpy (like my spine), whitish fish. Probably about the size of a dolphin. I asked whoever was showing it to me if it was a Sturgeon. No. And then he put his hand over the water, and the fish swam under it. The fish sprouted hands all over its back, trying to mimic the hand over the water. All of the hands were the same lumpy whitish material, looking like they were well-shaped globs of white mud, dripping. I put my head over the water, and heads appeared, in place of the hands. For some reason, they all had different forms of facial hair. I pointed it out to the guy, and whatever else happened is lost to my subconscious. Another part involved two "bad guys" trying to push a large crate out of the building I was in (the fish was outside, but the whole place had a big fence). the crate contained, apparently, a mother and father. of who, I don't know. They weren't mine, and I didn't have any feelings toward them at all except the need to rescue them. I was trying to follow the crooks, which wasn't hard, since they were hiding in boxes as they pushed the big box. Kind of comical, actually. They made it outside, and were trying to make their getaway in some white old car with fins, when, out of nowhere, one of them throws a pencil at me. he misses, and good thing ,too, the pencil suddenly grew to huge proportions as it neared the end of its arc. Once it settled back into normal size, I grabbed the pencil and threw it right at him, 300 style, and it grew in the air for me as well. Unfortunately, I missed. The driver taunted me as they peeled out. I grabbed a bunch of people, and we hopped on some sort of small vehicles and chased them.
-I fell asleep after typing all that. Then I remember having some Halo-themed dream. Waaaay too much gaming lately. I haven't spent more than 3 hours on a game in a while.
6 Hours Later....
So, today is Valentine's day, and whether my subconscious is trying to sabotage me, or I'm just full of stupid little coincidences, I wore my xkcd shirt from , the one with the little pink hearts all over it. Damnit. I'm here at work, doing what I do at home, as usual. Fortunately, I went upstairs and yoinked a photo mag from the library.
And why the hell is my eye twitching again? Another little gift from my last relationship....