My roommate made me go shopping when we got home from work. Since my DVD player crapped out a few days ago, we went to Best Buy so I could get a new one (The $30 Cyber Home which, of course, can be "fixed". *innocentwhistle* I mean, I HAVE to be able to play those UK Farscape DVDs. LOL Anyway, I did manage to get quite a few DVDs on sale. 2 for $20 - I bought the 40 Year Old Virgin (widescreen, unrated) and The Perfect Man (haven't seen it actually, but it looks cute and if I don't like it I'll pass it along to someone else). But the BEST thing I found?! Buy one get one free season sets for Las Vegas. Yay! Josh Duhamel... he's such a hottie. For those House fans out there - House, season one was part of this special. We then went to Babies R Us and I spent too much money on clothes for baby. But I did get some really nice stuff for my godson who just turned two. :)
As promised, a link to my Bones fic... It's not the best, but I couldn't get the image out of my head until I wrote it down. I came up with another idea a couple of days ago, but I don't think I can write it. I need a ghost writer. LOL
Here ya go Puppy! Off to order chinese food! I'm so glad my stomach is feeling better. *grin*