(no subject)

May 30, 2006 21:07

I suppose I should update before it turns into June... My God, where is the year going?! It was just December. My mother was right when she told me time moves faster the older you get. *sigh* Doesn't mean I have to like it...

I've been sick in bed going on 3 days now. Not. Fun. I HATE to throw up. Not only does it feel like someone stomped on my rib cage, but I'm also one of those lucky people who burst capillaries. So I have pretty little red dots decorating my eyelids, my neck, my cheeks. Nice huh? LOL So glad I splurged on a laptop this year. Think how boring it used to be to get sick. If anything I can always put the laptop on the night stand and watch all the Bones eppies I downloaded (which is what I was doing... and I kept dreaming about diatomaceous earth - I think I was running a fever). *VBG*

I'm going to see if this cut thing really works...

Ramble #1: So a friend of mine's mother offered me a job. In Colorado. I keep thinking about how cool that would be to just pack up and go. I've done it before. Packed up and left - moved to New Orleans with $150 to my name and not much else. But I was 23. Now at the age of 38, I still think it's cool but there are other things that I want to do. Things that directly relate back to my age, i.e. wanting to have a kid. Not easy to accomplish in the middle of BFE Colorado by oneself. If this offer had came up a few years ago, I would have jumped at the chance. I think. I have several godchildren that are just about as close to my own as they could get - so who knows if I actually could have left them considering they were younger. I don't think I'd like living there anyway. I'm a coastal girl. The air is awful thin in Meeker. A girl can dream, right? LOL

Ramble #2: So the job that I interviewed for back in March didn't pan out - at the time. The whole interview was weird and made me totally uneasy and I was so glad to get out of it, I probably left marks on the floor in my hurry to leave. Of course, I never heard from them. Then my friend calls me a couple of weeks ago. They want to see me again... Supposedly of the three people who interviewed me, only one of them wasn't sure that I would work out and she has given notice and is leaving the company. They want me to come back in for an interview. Now at the time of the first interview I was all gung ho about leaving my present job and going to another one. The present job has been a living nightmare for more than a year (But despite the nightmarish quality of the job itself, I actually like the company and fit in with the whole atmosphere). So why would I want to leave, you ask? Because I could make more money somewhere else. Ugh... Anyway, I haven't yet made this second interview (they called again today and left a message). Do I go on a second interview knowing that I really truly deep down inside really don't want to work for this company but they pay more money? Or do I just say Fuck It and continue on with the company that I'm with? Because for all the nightmare and the bullshit and the run around, I really do have a freedom that I would be hard pressed to find anywhere else. Welcome to my world!

Ramble #3: Must find new car insurance. Joy! Joy!

Wow. Wrote a book. Go figure.

Ooooh... Uploaded all kinds of icons to my journal today. I love icons. :)

When I remember how to insert a link, I'll let whoever's interested read my first Bones fic. It's cheesy and romantic, but I couldn't get the image out of my head.
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