The vid muse has decided to make an appearance. Finally. But nothing's ever easy is it? Of course not!
Tried to use Windows Movie Maker 2. It is NOT cooperating. All of my other videos had been made using the original WMM - which could be very frustrating, but it worked for me at the time. The I bought Video Factory which is supposed to make great videos. Which I can see that it will if I can get past the tediousness of it! So tonight I tried to use WMM2 first. Uh uh... so now I'm in VF and... and... AND...
I... have... to... make... videos!!! It's the only way to get the damn song out of my head!
whitelight1 knows my frustrations when the songs refuse to leave my head. LOL
Just breathe. In through the nose, out through the mouth.... Maybe I need a nap. Or new Farscape.