New Year's Resolutions

Dec 31, 2013 15:32

Gakked from zortified because, hey, this was actually funny!

In 2014, moonbeamsfanfic resolves to...
Find a new highlander.
Find a better psych.
Admit my true feelings to jade_dragoness.
Take evening classes in merlin.
Keep my seaquest clean.
Go to the crossovers every month.

Alright, it's true, I admit it... jade_dragoness, I love your fic! "As Morning Shows The Day" is one of my fave ST: AOS fics ever. Can't wait until the next part is out! (Whew! Glad I got that off my chest. What a relief!)


As for the other resolutions, I already do go to the crossovers every month. Crossover fanfics rock! (In fact, I apparently just hit 666 crossover recs on my Pinboard bookmarks, lol!)

And I'd love to take some classes in Merlin. That'd be awesome. I know there are some colleges/universities where you can take classes in Buffy, maybe it's the same thing. Ooh, or magic lessons! Then I could use the magic to keep my seaQuest clean, cause damn that's a big boat!

I don't think I'll have any luck finding a better psych though. :P


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