Title: Standing On The Edge
Author: Moonbeam
Email: mbeam@hotmail.com
Fandom: Harry Potter (post-OotP AU)
Rating: PG
Summary: Moony gets the chance to run with his pack one last time.
Disclaimer: My initials are not JKR. Not even close.
Author's Notes: Written for
dknightshade's multifandom
Lyrical Ficathon,
lyrical_fic Masterlist. I got some lines from Sarah McLachlan's
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It's too bad you didn't get a chance to beta this for me, but I guess my email just got lost in Shady's much-feared ether. Shouldn't be surprised, I seemed to have had many of her usual problems on this ficathon of hers -- including the inability to write a decent ending!
Do me a favour and check your spam box. I have a suspicion that the arsehole who bought my old ISP has put me on a spam list.
Beta aside, there were fuzz washing instructions in that e-mail too.
If you still have a copy, could you send it to me again? I'll still give Wild Rose Fibres a call tomorrow about the cat fur -- but I wanna know what you said in my beta! ::pouts::
I'm pissed about the mail going astray, the scum at Hotmail didn't even send a fail message. Delightful.
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