Of all the possible Getting-To-Know-You memes currently out and about, this is the only one that looked interesting enough for me to do. Gakked from
Name a CD you own that no-one else on your friends list does: Pet Shop Boys -- Go West (Shut. Up. ::glares::)
Name a book you own that no-one else on your friends list does: The Bathroom Trivia Book by Jack Kreismer (For instance, did you know the only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the cat? There's gotta be a reason for that! *eg*)
Name a movie you own on DVD/VHS/whatever that no-one else on your friends list does: Candleshoe (Starring Jodi Foster, at age 13.)
Name a place that you have visited that no-one else on your friends list has: Moonbeam, Ontario, Canada. (No, I'm not joking. Approx 20 minutes down the road from where I was born is a small town called "Moonbeam". They have a spaceship kids can climb around in and everything. No, I did NOT know about this before choosing my pseudonym. I moved to New Brunswick before I was one year old, and never even knew how serendipitous my choice in nicknames was until just a few years ago. It's a coincidence; a freaky, weird, but very cool coincidence.)