Aug 27, 2005 12:21
I've been really lame when it comes to updating. Although, there really isn't much to update about. It’s been pretty awesome with Leah here. We've been having fun hanging out and talking, whatever.
She made me realize last night how happy it makes me feel to not be friends with all the pot-headed losers from high school. Its funny how some people never change and their whole life is surrounded by talking shit about people. I'm glad Leah is finally starting to see what I've seen. The only reason I started thinking about becoming friends with some of them again was because I felt like I was in the wrong for pushing them away by everyone asking my why we weren't friends anymore. So, I make a "mends" (if you even want to call it that), but once I see that my other friends see what they are like....I know I wasn't wrong and I'm not wrong for still feeling that and hence never pursue anything more in becoming friends with them again. Its really kinda funny to hear them talking shit about me or Jason and me, because we are so much better than them. Now, I'm not meaning to sound like Jason in saying that, but look at our life and look at their life. We have our own house, we don't live with our parents anymore, we both have good jobs, we have good LOYAL friends, and everything else I could ramble on about that makes our lives together so perfect. They are just pot heads and will always be pot heads, because that is the "cool" thing.
Let me end on this note and message to everyone this implies too. (because knowing how obsessed you are, I know you'll read this)...Just because Leah is living with me doesn't mean I have her tied around the waist with a 3 foot rope telling her what to do or who to be friends with. She doesn't ask my permission in anything she does. I am not her mother! I am only a roommate. She is her own person and she has the ability to pick up a phone and call who ever she wants and to make plans to hang out with who ever she wants. Ponder that for a while and keep that in mind the next time you make stupid comments. Also, you should know exactly what was said and who said it before you start spouting off at the mouth. First of all, I didn't say it directly to you, so don't give yourself the satisfaction by trying to convince others (and yourself) that you told me off. You didn't tell anyone off (that why you told Rai to tell me you were sorry for calling. And that why all I hear is that you are scared of me. (This in my eyes is a good thing)) Second of all, what you heard was me REPEATING what Jason said to Leah while you were talking on the phone with Rai. If you want to call my guest, but for your own sake, you better hope Jason never answers the phone.
Sorry to all my friends that this doesn't imply to. For my own sake I had to set the record straight on some things. Now it is off to a perfect weekend..........