Sep 23, 2005 01:39
I love my wing!! :-) Seriously, it is so exciting to feel like it's not just a bunch of people living along the same hallway anymore. We're becoming more of a community. I love it!
Things I don't love currently... my diabetes! Or more specifically, the fact that I cannot find replacement batteries for my insulin pump anywhere! The batteries went dead last night and I was up until 2am tearing my room apart trying to find spares. These are special batteries that only the pump company manufactures. I ended up testing my blood and giving a shot before going to sleep without my pump connected to my skin. Then this morning I called the company immediately and ordered some batteries to come express. But they didn't have my insurance info so I had to get that to them. And apparently my perscription had expired so I had to find the phone number of the PA I've gone to a couple times at home. I really haven't gone to a real Dr. at home since I left for college and he's since moved away.
But the batteries should be here by tomorrow morning. I've been testing my blood sugar and giving injections pretty much every hour today. Not fun.
Tonight I went to dinner with a bunch of girls. Then I came back, did math home work, talked to my mom on IM, etc. Kyle called me and was particularly sweet. :-) He and I were supposed to get all dressed up and go on a date between harvest and me moving back to PLU. But that didn't get to happen. So we decided that we are going to do it while I'm home for Christmas. Tonight we talked about what we want to do and where we want to go. I'll probably leave Seattle by train on Dec. 16th and get into Shelby, MT on the morning of the 17th. I think we're going to make all of Sunday the 18th our date. We'll go to church, maybe play in the snow if we have it, go out to a movie, then get all dressed up and drive to Hobson for a fancy dinner. After that we'll drive back to Great Falls and look at Christmas lights. On the way home we'll take some gravel road out to the middle of nowhere to look at the stars. :-) I'm so excited! And I'm getting a strong feeling that he might propose to me sometime within all this. I could be mistaken... but we'll see!
Sweet dreams! We have a guest speaker tomorrow in Developmental Psych and I'm kind of looking forward to it! God bless!