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Sep 07, 2006 21:32

How do you like your Brian and Michael? (Queer as Folk Quiz)

Romantic.You love your Brian and Michael to be a little romantic. You love watching them on screen together, and picking up the little moments. Like when Ben was using, and Michael ask why Brian said anything, and Brian has the little moment where he has to think of something to say, so that he doesnt tell Michael how he really feels. You love those sweet little kisses they share, and youre just waiting for more.
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How do you like your Brian and Michael? (Queer as Folk Quiz)

Cute and Cuddley.You like Brian and Michael the best when they are all cute and cuddley. Like when they lay their heads in each others laps, or give each other shut up kisses. *sighs*
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who is your Queer As Folk Alter-ego?

Brian - You try so hard to be a cold, uncaring asshole, but those who know you realise this is just an act to save you from being hurt.
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Which Queer As Folk Character Are You? (pix)

BRIAN KINNEYYou are Brian. You're a brutally honest cock-of-the-walk who continues to turn heads and make waves wherever you lay your hat. You don't appologize, and you avoid the word "love" no matter what the situation. Showing how you truely feel is not your strong point, but you can surely make the strongest man fall to his knees *wink* With new directions in your life will you be able to remain the hottest one in the club? You bet!
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Queer As Folk Series

100% King of Babylon.
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Which Queer As Folk Character Are You?

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Wich Queer As Folk boy are you?

You're Brian Kinney.You keep to yourself a lot.But your totally different around the people you love.Your best friend:Michael Novotny.Lover:Justin Taylor/Anybody you damn well please.
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Which Queer As Folk Character Are You?

Brian Kinney
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