
Aug 18, 2004 17:53

Hi. I know I don't update here very often. My life has become quite routine and mundane. It's the same thing everyday. Get up, work, mess around online, call Scott, go to bed.

My aunt passed away on Saturday morning. I wasn't close to her, but I was concerned for my mum. She lost her husband earlier this year, and now her sister. So I worry. She seemed to take it pretty well, even though she broke down at the funeral yesterday. I knew she would. I got to see my cousins from my mom's side, who I haven't seen for quite some time. That was rather nice. We all said we'd keep in touch, but you know how that goes.

I've been dealing with deep depression a lot for the past month or so. Don't want to get out of bed in the morning and whatnot. Sleep makes me happy. I don't have to think while I'm sleeping. When I think, I get depressed. So I'd rather just stay in bed and not bother dealing with the world at all.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. Congratulations, Crystal :D

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