Naruto - wip - chapter 1

May 24, 2009 21:04

The wind blew softly through the trees, but the hunched figure seated on the hill didn't feel it. Her eyes remained fixed on the memorial stone, just visible beneath the hill. A gentle sigh escaped the girl. Mitani had long ago picked this place as a refuge, a place to sit and think whenever she needed to escape from her home. Such occasions happened often, and this was one place she could remain mostly undisturbed. People who visited the memorial were generally too fixed on paying their respects to notice the lone figure. Mitani allowed her eyes to roam over the surroundings of Konoha. Such a beautiful village, and one that she loved, but one with such an ugly feeling under the surface. It saddened her that this was so. This was the reason for her constant solitude. Most of the villagers would seem to be nice, caring people, but Mitani could never bring herself to accept this image. The reason for this was that, unlike many at her age, she observed the treatment of Uzumaki Naruto. And what's more, she did not approve. Mitani had only spoken to Naruto a few times, but each time it struck her how unbearably hard it had to be to constantly appear so carefree, when he was treated so harshly. And all for something that was no fault of his! Her mind wandered back to the recent conversation she had endured from her family.

'Do not approach the Uzumaki boy again! You will avoid any contact with him!'

'I will not. He should not be treated this way! The whole village shuns him. It's cruel!'

'He has no right to live here. Not after what he has done!'

So, that was the answer. Naruto housed the kitsune. Mitani snorted gently at the thought. Unlike some, she had a brain, and she knew how to use it. If the kitsune had been sealed 12 years ago, then Naruto had been a newborn. He should be honored for his sacrifice, for dealing with something that he had no control over! Instead the whole village treats him as nothing more than an extension of the kitsune.

Mitani sighed again. Naruto was going to have a hard road ahead. She knew that he had been accepted as a genin. Just the other day, she had observed him wearing a leaf headband, signaling his status as a shinobi in training. But still, it seemed life was against him. His teamates appeared to want nothing to do with him, and Mitani could tell that Naruto was frustrated, lashing out in response to his pain. Mitani could well relate. The only skill she possessed was her voice, and she used it to express her thoughts and feelings in song. Naruto had yet to find his outlet, and he was searching for a way to impress his teammates.

Thinking of Naruto was painful. She wished he would find some guidance from his teacher, but it would be unlikely if the shinobi shared the rest of the village's hate. Staring up at the sky, Mitani opened her mouth to give voice to her wish, not noticing that she was no longer alone.

Kakashi paused in his steps. He had been at the memorial, paying his respects to his old team. Naruto had reminded him so much of Obito it was painful. Teaching him would be difficult. And seeing how much the treatment of the villagers had scarred Naruto had hurt. Kakashi was no fool. He could easily see that Naruto's laughter was not as genuine as everyone thought. The boy was desperate to appear carefree, but Kakashi could see the deep ache of loneliness that Naruto felt. That, too, hurt, reminding Kakashi of how long it had been since he let anyone close. The loss of his team constantly haunted Kakashi, creating a wall of sadness that pushed all away. Now that he had a team, he would have to think of their welfare, and that meant caring for their feelings as well. With these thoughts running through his mind, he turned to go, when a sound reached him. Someone was singing, their voice clear yet soft. The sound, so hopeful yet so sad, gained his interest. Catching sight of a lone figure on the nearby hill, he decided to see who was pouring such feelings into the night.

May it be
an evening star
Shines down upon you.

May it be
when darkness falls
Your heart will be true.

You walk a lonely road;
Oh how far you are from home.

Mitani closed her eyes, pushing her song into the dark. It was true; Naruto's path would be difficult and lonely. She hoped that he would find someone to help guide him.

Before long, she got the sense that something had changed. Opening her eyes, she was startled to discover that she had an audience. The man wore the uniform of a Chuunin/Jounin of Konoha, and his single uncovered eye was staring at her in a serious manner.

"What do you want?"

The man's eye curved, as if he was smiling under his mask. "I didn't mean to startle you. I was just curious to see who was sending such a message into the night. Why are you here at such a late hour?"

Mitani looked down. "I sit here often, because I am not welcomed by my family and neighbors. And when I've been sent away, I like to come here and think. It's a nice refuge from everyone."

"And your song? Was that for you?"

Mitani lowered her eyes, but she was determined not to hide from this man. She would not hide her feelings! "Naruto. My song was for Naruto."

Kakashi didn't show it, but he was surprised at her answer. Why would this girl be harboring thoughts for his student? She wasn't a shinobi, so he was sure they hadn't encountered each other in school. And Naruto had never said anything about a civilian friend. And yet, something about this girl reminded him of Naruto. She had the same air of sadness around her. "Why do you sing for Naruto?"

The girl sighed. "Because I see how he's treated, and I know the reason. Because I wish I could help, but I don't know how. Because..." her voice softened. "...Because I understand him. He wishes for acceptance, but he has no idea how to gain it. He doesn't know how to express his desires without seeming weak, so he's frustrated."

"So this is your way of expressing your desires?" Kakashi noted how the girl's eyes seemed to flash at his offhand question.

"It may not seem like much, but song is all I know. Yes, it's my way of expression."

Kakashi held up his hands in a placating manner. "I was not mocking you. Tell me, what is your name?"


Kakashi filed the name away in his memory. This girl was interesting. She seemed unusually compassionate, especially where Naruto was concerned. "Please. Continue with your music. I did not mean to interrupt." The girl shot him a frown, but then turned to resume her song. Kakashi decided to sit and listen. It was a fitting song for Naruto.

May it be
the Shadow's call
Will fly away.

May it be
you journey on
to light the day.

When the night is overcome
yoy may rise to find the sun.

When Mitani ended her song, she was surprised to see that the man was still sitting there. It was odd to see someone at the memorial this late. "You were at the memorial. Is there someone close to you recorded there?" Mitani was startled when the man gave her a hard look, but it soon softened.

"All of my friends are there."

Mitani clenched her hands in sympathy. This man tried to sound nonchalant, but he seemed...haunted. "All? You have no one among the living?" Silently the man shook his head. "That's not good. Our bonds are all that hold us to this world. Without them, we are nothing." The man looked up, as if interested in her words.

"What holds you to this world, then?" Clearly he remembered her earlier comment about her family.

"My bonds are formed differently. Music connects me to all. We all create a song. That song may change, but its still there. I try to express what I see and hear with music." Mitani could tell the man didn't quite understand what she meant, but that was okay. Many didn't, and it didn't bother her. She was more surprised when they did understand.

Mitani noticed the man casting glances down at the memorial. For some reason, she felt a desire to know this man, so she tried to get more details from him. "The ones recorded below...your family?" Slowly he shook his head.

"My teammates." His voice was almost inaudible.

"How did they die?"

His eyes closed, as if in pain. "One died to save my life. The other died in battle." Mitani could see that their deaths, however long ago, still haunted him.

Suddenly the man surged to his feet. He seemed eager to leave, and Mitani realized that he was uncomfortable with how much he had said. "I apologize for having disturbed you. Ja ne." Quickly he started to walk away, but Mitani called after him. "Wait!" He stopped walking, although he didn't turn. "Please, before you leave. What is your name?" Mitani watched as he stiffened, before relaxing and calling back.

"Hatake Kakashi." Before Mitani could say another word, he disappeared. Kakashi. Mitani rolled the name around in her mind. Such a heavy air of sadness he carried. It could almost be seen around him. Without quite realizing it, Mitani began another song.

Kakashi sighed as he walked slowly away. It would have surprised Mitani how close he still was. After he had disappeared from her line of sight, he had slowed his pace, and now was actually walking very slowly. He paid little attention to his surroundings, instead brooding on what had just happened. 'How could I have said so much? And to a stranger?' It was true. Some of the things he had revealed it had taken his fellow jounin years to find out. For some reason, it had seemed natural to talk to that girl. 'Mitani.' Kakashi mused over his encounter. His mind wandered over some of the things she had said.

~Music connects me to all. We all create a song.~

What exactly had she meant? Kakashi felt that he almost understood, but the meaning hovered just out of reach. Just as he was about to shrug the encounter off, a new sound reached him.

I miss you
Miss you so bad.
I don't forget you
Oh, its so sad.

I hope you can hear me.
I remember it clearly

The day you slipped away
Was the day
I found it won't be the same.

Kakashi froze in his tracks. His mind told him to move, but he couldn't seem to respond. The words seemed to burn him. Mitani's words flashed through his mind again. He suddenly knew with absolute certainty that Mitani was singing for his loss, and the memory of his team.

I didn't get around to kiss you
goodbye on the hand.
I wish that I could see you again.
I know that I can't

I hope you can hear me
'Cause I remember it clearly

The day you slipped away
Was the day
I found it won't be the same.

Kakashi slowly sank to his knees as memories washed over him. Seeing Obito being crushed underneath the landslide. The day that Rin was brought back to the village. And that day. The day his sensei made the ultimate sacrifice. The day the nine-tails attacked. Seeing his teacher fall before the monster, and knowing that although his teacher had protected what was most important to him, he would never realize his success. Thoughts and images washed over him, all driven by the soft voice he could hear floating through the dark. How did she see? How could she know exactly what words would resonate within his memories?

I've had my wake up
Won't you wake up?
I keep asking why.

And I can't take it
It wasn't fake it
happened; You passed by.

Now you're gone, now you're gone
There you go, there you go
Somewhere I can't bring you back

Now you're gone, now you're gone
There you go, there you go
Somewhere you're not coming back.

Kakashi held his hands to his face. Slowly a lone tear made its way down his cheek, only to be caught by his mask. How could she know? And why would she waste her song on him, when it was clearly so important to her? Suddenly he realized he no longer heard her voice. In fact, he couldn't hear anything. How long had he been kneeling here? In his confusion, Kakashi turned around and returned to the clearing. He hoped to find some kind of answer to his questions, but he could find no trace of the girl when he returned. Somehow she had left, without him noticing. 'Of course,' he bitterly acknowledged,'I let myself get so shaken that I probably wouldn't have noticed if Itachi had stood right in front of me and offered to strip.' Kakashi pictured the girl again in his mind. She was certainly different. For some reason, Kakashi suddenly wanted to know more about her. Why did she seem so lonely, when she was clearly so compassionate? How did she manage to put such feelings into song so effortlessly? If this was a frequent haunt of hers, then surely he would manage to find her here again. Kakashi was certainly no stranger to the memorial. He resolved to watch for her presence. In the meantime, he would have to give some thought to his team. And the unexpected insights Mitani had given him.

fiction, wip

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