Kill Hannah <3

Jun 15, 2008 17:07

Oh My God

Kill Hannah on thursday(12th June 2008) was just plain amazing!

Started off getting there super early, close to the front of the que!

got right to the front of the railings! sadly to the right and some girl was trying to push me away and I couldn't jump 'cos the railings pulled my trousers down ¬_¬'

My friend took photos and I wish I'd taken some too now, but yanno, what can ya do?

Started Off with Brigade supporting, Brigade = hell cool
They're awesome =]

Then after a while's wait, KILL HANNAH

Love Kill Hannah, Seen them 4 times now and I've only been to 4 gigs =] hee hee, Say something about me?

We hang around at the end for a bit, and Greg(Kill Hannah Bassist) is at the merch stand again, so I eventually make my way over and buy myself a Kill Hannah Tank top and their CD (Hope for the hopeless[I reccomend it and their other CD "Untill there's nothing left of us])

We hear people screaming and going "MAT!" and I look at my friend and we're like O.O
Mat Devine (Lead singer of Kill Hannah) was out! we didn't manage to meet him last time so we were so exited!

We managed to make our way through to him in the end after being shoved back a few times but we got there in the end.

He's really nice =] he's not one of those people who just stands there, signs your ticket and takes a photo, saying nothing, He actually talks to you like he knows you! He asked if we'd Enjoyed ourselves and if we were gonna come back and see them again and we were like 'Of course =]'
And yeah, I got my photo taken with him =]
'tis a shame I look a bit strange in the photo and I'm not looking at the camera but yah, still, photographic proof I met him =]

So I'm in awe right now, I look at the poster of Kill Hannah that I have by my bed and just go "eee! I got a hug from him!"

hee hee <3
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