Jun 26, 2005 23:29
Put an X if you've done them:
() Slept all night in a bed with a person of the opposite sex
(x) Slept all night in a bed with a person of the same sex (festivals, band trips, etc. yep.)
(x) Slept for more than 12 hours (I've done it but have regretted it on the most of the occasions I did)
(x) Missed a week of school or more (I was VERY ill)
(x) Put chapstick on more than 5 times in an hour( yeah, it was tasty)
() Kissed more than one person in a day (whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? I'm not a skank or anything)
() Kissed more than two people in a day (damn!)
() Created a myspace survey (No! geez!)
() Eaten a worm (gross)
(x) Jumped on a trampoline (hellz yes! CJ and I rigged it so that my little trampoline could serve as a means of entry to his jumbo trampoline :) )
() Ridden a unicycle
(x) Done something special for someone else
() Stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant (Do Dining Halls count?)
() Paid more than $50 for food at a fast food resturant (ew. no...did you watch Supersize Me?)
() Got caught for cheating on a test
(x) Talked on the phone while going to the bathroom (only my family...not my friends, that'd be weird)
(x) Brushed your teeth while on the phone (hehe)
() Worked in fast food
(X) Written a poem (I should get back into this)
() Randomly called people out of a phone book
() Been on a yacht
() own a yacht
(x) Been called egotisctal (Trumpet players get this all the time from all the other *cough* ...jealous sections :P )
(x) Put bananas in your cheerios (although I like stawberries better)
(x) Lied to a friend to make them feel better
() Dated someone more than 2 years older than you (you're talking to the girl who'd die to date Johnny Depp...)
() Eaten frosting out of the original container (ew...I hate mass amounts of frosting)
() Had a dream about a myspace friend ..
(x) Fallen in public (more than I care to recall)
() Had your pants rip
(x) Recently had a PB&J sandwich (yum)
() Met your principals parents (Who cares)
() Killed an animal. (I cannot do that...unless it's a bug)
(x) Been prescribed to 3 or more medications by a doctor (*nods*)
() Wished you were an only child (no)
() Used your friends razor with out them knowing?
(x) Been unproud of a decision you made (who hasnt?)
(x) Worked for a family member (babysat my cousin)
(x) Been told you were too young
() Made out in a car
(x) Screamed a vulgar or profane word in a crowd of people you didnt know (haha!)
() Kissed a friend, then their best friend (skanky)
(x) Been to a concert.
(x) Gotten away with a lie to your parents
() Been dumped the night of a dance and left with out a date
() Been cheated on
() Attempted suicide
() Gone out with a person one of your parents set you up with (are we STILL in the 19th century? boy am I lost!)
(x) Hate to admit you are wrong
(x) Ridden on a shopping cart (sure!!)
(x) danced in a Mini Mart (3, 6, 9...)
(x) Went into a mini mart in socks (yep, when the sister took me on late night Sheetz runs)
(x) Worn a tiara
(x) Been in a play
(x) Gone to church/synagogue more than 2 times in a week.
() O.D.ed on stuff in your medicine cabinet
() Copied more than 30 CD's in a day
(X) Made a movie (YES!!!!!!!! CHRIS, OUR QUESTION HAS ARRIVED!!!!!!!! we were still the most sophisticated 6th graders I know of.)
() Dressed "gothic" (Freak Day)
() Been called "gothic"
(x) Worn 5 or more layers of clothing (High school competitions and Blue Band excursions)
(x) Had a stalker (yeah, eek)
() Been to california (I will someday, can't be a contestant on the Price is Right unless I do)
() Lived on a house boat
(x) Swam in clear blue water (pools...haaa!)
(x) Sat in a doctors office with a friend
(x) Ran across 6 lanes of traffic
(x) Made fish lips
(x) Hit on a waitress/waiter (bahahahahahahah!!!!!)
(x) Taken pictures with a stranger (Zach Mills is a beautiful stranger)
(x) Been to Busch Gardens (viva Escape from Pompeii!!)
(x) Stayed in a hotel room with 3 other school mates (Canada Lives on!!!!!)
(x) Made a public speech (yep!)
(x) Been on cable television (they zoomed in on me on ESPN!!! Sister has a tape of it!)
(x)Choreographed a dance (all the time!)
(x)Felt used (Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!)
(x) Made a smoothie or milkshake
(x) Had fun at work/school ? (Yeah!)
() Watched Desperate Housewives (nope)
(x) Watched a movie so often you could quote every word (so many)
() Listened to an old NSYNC or Backstreet Boys CD AFTER they were popular.(ewww. No.)
(x) Kept something from a past relationship
(x) Given Someone else flowers
(x) Taken a foreign language (Si! Estoy aqui! Yo hablo espanol)
(x Gotten to school at 6:15 in the morning (aaah yes...)
(x) Not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class (almost nothing)
(x) Laughed for no apparent reason (all the time)
() Wanted to meet someone you met online in person(o_0 uhhhh no!)