May 13, 2005 00:20
Internet Source Evaluation
In a web published version of her journal article, Dr. Galanti evaluates cult conversion and deprogramming using the triune brain model to understand how and why people are easily converted and not so easily deprogrammed. It is an interesting article based on her own personal experience of visiting a Unification Church training camp, or as she refers to it, a brainwashing weekend. Dr. Galanti emphasizes the way into a persons mind seems to be through the limbic system, or paleomammalian brain. Once the emotions are effected the R-complex sets up territorial boundaries to protect the limbic system in it's altered state. She concludes that one can be deprogrammed if the focus is on the Neocortex and forcing the individual to think, not feel, their way out of cult conversion. It is a very elementary approach to trying to help individuals who no longer want to be involved with cult involvement.
The information from Dr. Galanti appears very credible in that it is not only found on this website, but can be obtain with purchase of the original academic journal it appeared in. This article is found on a published website, The Reptilian Agenda, associated with These appear to be products of Texas National Press and TGS Publishers. There is not one sole author on this site, it is a menagerie of research articles contributed from various sources. Most of the topics relate to myth, magic, science and anything serpentine or reptilian in nature. Dr. Galanti's article appears to be a featured article on the site.
The author alone has extensive credentials leading to my conclusion that this site is responsible in the information it shares. Dr. Galanti is on the faculty at the Department of Anthropology at California State University, Los Angeles. She has also authored books published by the University of Pennsylvania Press. She is obviously educated in the field in which she writes. The website clearly shows all of her credentials and contact information. All of this information lends support to the credibility of the site, as well as, Dr. Galanti.
Dr. Galanti provides an accurate interpretation of Dr. MacLean's triune brain theory as she develops her ideas throughout the text. All of the aspects that are discussed in conjunction with my knowledge of this theory are represented through the same lense as other scholars in her field have done in other aspects I have researched. Although this article was published in the late nineties, the information on the triune brain theory and it's applications has not changed much in the past five to seven years. Due to the nature of her research and intended audience, she does not cover the triune brain theory in detail; she only applies it in text as if the reader has a working knowledge of the theory. I believe this is the most accurate way to represent her thesis in that most scholars in her audience would have some knowledge of the theory and how it is being used in research. This gives the article a very comprehensive view of her findings, without over powering the idea of the theory applications.
The reasonableness of the text could be called into question. It does serve a biased purpose. It is slanted against cults and fundamental religious evangelists. However, that is the point of the study, helping those who fall victim to theological brainwashing. Galanti uses her research spanning twenty years in conjunction with the triune brain theory to advocate a method of deprogramming for these types of individuals. She does this as fairly and balanced as possible with the information she has accumulated. This is a hard subject to address reasonably. Therefore, the website also posted a comment to Dr. Galanti's text from a Dr. Thomas Robbins that counters some of her claims. In so doing, the website removes the apparent bias and lets the readers considered both points.
There are many sources used in this text. The author cites several within the text, as well as, there is a list of sources at the end of the text. The website provides contact information for the author, as well as their webmaster. The sources are from other scholars in this field of study and the source information listed on the website is complete.
This article is relevant to my research; in that, it gives me another biological and psychological application of Dr. MacLean's triune brain theory. It helps me to develop a greater understanding of the theory in conjunction to real life association made by educated scholars within the field of biology and psychology. I will be able to use three quotes from this article in support of other materials I am reviewing and will be using for my paper. This article seems a little off base from my focus, but it is filler information that helps with a better working knowledge of my topic.
Works Cited
Galanti, Geri-Ann. "Cult Conversion, Deprogramming and the Triune Brain." The Reptilian Agenda. 1997. 6 May 2005 .