Tweets for Today

Sep 05, 2008 12:01

  • 15:48 RTD Loves Colorado Local First. Coming soon, Colorado Local First ads on buses, lightrail and mall shuttle!! wow!! #
  • 17:31 MHBA welcomed 3 new members today! They are a community market, an organic coffee delivery service, and a soda maker. I [heart] local biz! #
  • 17:53 unforseen benefit of the CSA being in my office - i just got to snuggle with an adorable 10-week old baby. #
  • 18:18 wow! can this day get any better? One of our newest members blogged about MHBA here: #
  • 10:25 ugh! Just saw another mouse running across the kitchen floor. Ugh!!! #
  • 10:53 it's cold in denver today, and i can't access my email. #
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