Jul 25, 2006 20:54
so, i enjoyed lady in the water! i really did. note that i hated signs and was neutral about the village (after hearing so many people complain about that movie, i was expecting much worse...signs definitely sucked more).
here are my spoiler-free things you should know before watching this movie:
-it is not a horror/thriller as the tv spots suggest. it is suspenseful, but not scary at all. it's really sweet, actually. in fact, i've read that it was based on a bedtime story m. night wrote for his children.
-if you hated his must-have super twist at the end of the movie (like me), you don't have to worry! some twists, yes, but not overboard this time. i was crossing my fingers hoping it would end at that moment, and not try to warp your brain, and it answered my prayer! i've read some people complain about how they had a "that's it?" feeling after it ended, so just wanted to give a warning so that others don't feel the same.
-this is one of those movies that has things that are too convenient. however, i think they're forgivable because it's a mythological sort of beautiful story. if you are one of those people that comes out hating movies because they don't explain "why" about everything, you probably won't enjoy this (but it's not as bad as say, flight plan, where if one detail was different the whole movie would fall apart). if you're not, however, and you enjoy being told a story filled with fantasy, you should definitely go see it!
-the whole water world idea is a bedtime story/myth in the movie (that obviously turns out to be real, just people don't believe in it much like we don't believe in the story of sleeping beauty or whatever). it's a little hard to swallow the way it's told to us, so this is your heads up.
-the main character's name is story, so if you plan to write about the movie, you might have to think ahead about how to prevent it from sounding ridiculus. lol..."this story is about story and her story."
-m. night has a bigger role in this movie. if you don't like the fact that he puts himself in his movies, prepare yourself mentally.
-it's actually a pretty funny movie, and a touching story.
i would definitely see this movie again.
number of edits: 5
m. night shymalan,
lady in the water