1. finals. i have been eating, drinking, and breathing finals. i turned in my final portfolio for drawing today (it was a biggie, so i'm relieved it's over), but i still have yoga, 2-d design (another biggie) and japanese to go. i've practically forgotten i have kickboxing, though, i've skipped like 6 classes. luckily i signed up for credit-only (yay for not screwing up my gpa), though i hope there wasn't a mistake somewhere and she ends up giving me a letter grade...
2. tcg. when i'm not working on a final-something-or-other i'm online checking my tcg's. i'm totally into this, i've been ignoring lj and the real purpose of my
jenvie community. it's taking all my strength not to sign up for three others that i really want to join. i must wait until finals are over. i must.
3. new job. my background check came in and i'm going in to fill out paperwork at blockbuster tomorrow, so then it will be official. they still haven't told me when they want me to start, i hope it doesn't coincide with finals. i'd hate to have to tell them "i can't come" the first day they want me in.
4. movies!! da vinci code tomorrow and x-men 3 wednesday, nevermind, it's friday. but still <3 it's blisssss!!