Being a mother and a housewife is not an easy job. Cooking, cleaning and taking care of a kid esp a hyper/stubborn one is a challenging job for me. Working in Drew is easier than this. Ariz is an attention seeker plus his stubborness ya ampun!!! He follows his dad's genes....CONFIRM!! He LOVES to play with the fan and wires. Everytime when we said "NO"... he will stop, look at us, give us a smile and continues to play with it. Now, he is learning to climb. He will TRY climbing out from his walker, cot and even climb up the sofa!! Oh yeah, he even know how to slide down from the bed and sofa. I wonder what will he do when he starts to walk. Whatever it is, he will always be a mummy's boy. Hehehehe.
Lets talk abt cooking. I love to cook. I have done some experiments at home. So far, success!! Alhamdullilah. Last wkend, I cooked mee hong kong. Got the recipe from Kelentang Kelentung (which is aired on Suria on every Sat and Sun evening). Out of 5, i was given 4 (the judge - isham lor who else). Hehehehe. This wkend, i'm going to cook Jenganan. Of course, its an instant paste if nak cook from scratch, saya enggak tahu. So i will goreng some tempe, egg and if i have the time, i wanna make bagedil. *slurp*
*looks at the time* hey its only 4.25!!! 1 hr more to go before i can head home. But before that i have this stoopid briefing till 7. tsk!!
okay...i received this pic from a good frd of mine. he is so mentel. hahahahahaha. Yg lagi satu tu...who else but ariz . He is 10 mths!! time really flies :)