ahaha, speaking of which, i saw one yesterday in the colbys billiards place. i appraoched her after a couple beers and was like "...can i ask you a personal question?" and shes like "sure?" and i'm like " are you a lesbiaN?" and shes like "yeah, why?" and i'm like "cool. where'd you meet your gf?"(cos i thought she was there with a girl. and shes like "i don't have one" and i'm like "oh...are there any gay bars in bdott?" and she said no and told me about where they are, and then i had to catch my cab.
she was a power butch and i half wanted to tie-kiss her just so i could say i did, aha.
wasnt drunk enough, though. damn.
call my cell man-519-427-4118, its up for commision =P
the thing you're holding on your head looks liike cheese.
give me it.
oh dupe.
i've been a member of the FBSA since 88, main! (main=man in gansta)
i'm getting brant housing...eventually!
for hnow i'll be moving into the unit next to nova vita called transistional housing. its cheaper rent, comes furnished down to plates and my very first roll of shit tickets =D and no men allowed, so i can dyke it out all i want apparantly =P awwwwww yeah!
so like....hurry up and find me a dyke, or else get really dunk with me in my new appartment so i can rape you. =D
old vaginA?
i may or may not be slightly tipsy.
yay beer.
oh meg. im such a dyke.
ahaha, speaking of which, i saw one yesterday in the colbys billiards place. i appraoched her after a couple beers and was like "...can i ask you a personal question?" and shes like "sure?" and i'm like " are you a lesbiaN?" and shes like "yeah, why?" and i'm like "cool. where'd you meet your gf?"(cos i thought she was there with a girl. and shes like "i don't have one" and i'm like "oh...are there any gay bars in bdott?" and she said no and told me about where they are, and then i had to catch my cab.
she was a power butch and i half wanted to tie-kiss her just so i could say i did, aha.
wasnt drunk enough, though. damn.
call my cell man-519-427-4118, its up for commision =P
the thing you're holding on your head looks liike cheese.
give me it.
oh dupe.
i've been a member of the FBSA since 88, main! (main=man in gansta)
i'm getting brant housing...eventually!
for hnow i'll be moving into the unit next to nova vita called transistional housing. its cheaper rent, comes furnished down to plates and my very first roll of shit tickets =D and no men allowed, so i can dyke it out all i want apparantly =P awwwwww yeah!
so like....hurry up and find me a dyke, or else get really dunk with me in my new appartment so i can rape you. =D
capn dykeface over and out
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