Writing Kinks

Sep 21, 2007 16:01

Hey, long time no post!

I thought this was an interesting topic anyway, and since my writing has been faltering of late....

Also, in no particular order;

1. Separations. I just love breaking up couples or partnerships and sending them off on separate quests. Maybe it's because I find stable relationships (especially those already established in canon) particularly boring to write about, or perhaps I just like torturing characters.

2. Torturing Characters (see above). No, I really do like causing pain, physical and mental. The more intense the better. I'm also partial to the idea that one can go through a nasty painful experience and yet gain nothing from it.

3. Mothers and Babies. This is definately because I can't have my own children. Nearly all of my female characters end up knocked up at some stage!

4. Travel/Journeys. Stay at home and wait for the adventure to knock on your door? Not my characters!

5. Murder/Killing. I'm grotesquely interested in what makes a person or creature kill another and what happens afterwards. I always like to explore this in my male characters; along with the nature versus nurture theory.

6. Immortality. Possibly one my favourite themes, namely, what it's really like, what lengths folk will got to get it and what happens when an immortal faces death.

So in short my ideal story would involve a young female (probably breeding) who runs off somewhere, gets tortured, does some torturing of her own and gets done in by a snarky immortal who may or may not be evil. Nice :)
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