Dec 05, 2007 15:56
this made me literally tear up up in the great hall. at lunch time. in the middle of chaos. in public. i can't believe that he said this about ME. i respect leonard sooooo much and to hear that my work is a "thoroughly
mature and intelligent piece of writing" makes all the heartache worth it, although i now wish i had worked a little harder on it.
and i feel terrible/amazed that i got a better mark than laura. mine was SIX DAYS LATE and she had hers in on time. still, i can't help but use this as an excuse to procrastinate. BAD JANA!
Dear Jana,
You have done a superb job on your edition of The Philanderer. I am very
impressed. I haven't commented directly in your text on the notes to the
text and the appendices--you have already seen what I had to say about
these in my positive comments in Laura's edition. I do want to stress
now, however, the strength of your introduction. It is a thoroughly
mature and intelligent piece of writing on the play, in which you
skilfully combine your own insights with views drawn from a number of
critics--and I'm glad in some instances that you disagree with them! You
cover a comprehensive and important range of issues in the play, but
everything holds together very well. And your writing is very good
indeed. It was a pleasure to read.
In addition, your bibliography is thorough and extremely well annotated.
I also want to thank you for your active and constructive participation
in seminar discussions. With the help of your laptop you solved several
problems immediately!
I'm sorry you had a bit of a rush at the end, and I know that you worked
extremely hard on the project. I think you should be proud of the results.
I will leave your edition in the English Department Office this
afternoon. Most of my comments focus on your introduction. If you have
any questions about them don't hesitate to get in touch.
Well done!
Project grade (80%): 92
Seminar participation (20%): 92
Final grade: 92%
uni life