Bored at 1:30

Jan 15, 2004 01:30

A - Age : 18
B - Band listening to right now: Tom Petty- Free Falling
C - Career in future: Cosmotologist until I feel dedicated enough to become a pharmacist
D - Dad's name: Michael
E - Easiest person to talk to: Myself, because I never disagree with me
F - Favourite song at the moment: I can't choose
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms:Gummy bears, because you can chew off their heads and throw their asses at people :-D
H - Hometown: Baltimore
I - Instruments: Don't play any
K - Kids: Sometime in the distant future
L - Longest car ride ever: Vegas to Ocean Springs
M - Mom's name: Terri
N - Number of siblings: 2
P - Phobia[s]: Bugs, planes, never getting married
Q - Favourite Quote: "Life's not a garden so don't be a hoe"
R - Reason to smile: Cuddling
S - Song you sang last: Broken Wings- Mister Mister
T - Time you wake up: Depends on the day
U - Unknown fact: I can't wink
V - Vegetable you hate: carrots
W - Worst habit: Biting my nails
X - X-rays you've had: Everywhere
Y - Yummy food: Anything I eat means it's yummy
Z - Zodiac sign: Virgo

002.d.o.b.: September 9
003.location: Perry Hall
004.religion: Methodist
005.occupation: Student

002.eyes: Green
height: 5'2

STYLE Preppy Anything
003.make up: Natural most of the time
004.body art: Belly piercing and 2 tattoos

001.wearing: Sweats
002.listening to: Nothing
003.thinking of: Can't wait for Brendan to come back from Vermont

001.bought: A shirt from Forever 21
002.ate & drank: Velveeta Mac-n-Cheese, water Andrew's LJ
004.watched on TV: Double Jeopardy

EITHER / OR or house party: Both
002.tea or coffee: Tea
003.achiever or slacker: Me personally? Slacker as for now or cider: Cider
005.drinks or shots: Drinks
006.cats or dogs: Both
007.single or taken: Single
008.pen or pencil: Pen
009.gloves or mittens: Gloves or candy: Both
011.cassette or cd: CD
012.coke or pepsi: Pepsi.
013.hard or mild alcohol: Mild
014.matches or a lighter: Lighter
015.sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: None
016. Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey: Neither

001. kill: Hmmmm...
002: hear from: Brendan
003. get really wasted with: Amanda
004. look like: Kate Hudson or Jessica Simpson
005. be like: Myself

001.touched: I think Kelli when she bumped into me in the hot tub
002.talked to: Matt
003.hugged: Matt
004.instant messaged: Matt
005.kissed: Matt, but I'd like to say Brendan
006.who broke your heart: Rich

WHERE DO YOU Whereever the food is Club
003.cry: My room
004.wish you were: Anywhere with Brendan

001.dated one of your best friends? Yes, we were together for over 2 years and fell outta love and hopefully will get back to what we were before all that
002.loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Unfortunately
003.drank alcohol? Yes
004.done drugs? Tried weed once
005.broken the law? Haha who me? nahhh
006 ran away from home? Tried but could never get the balls to walk out the door
007.broken a bone? Nope
008.cheated on a test? Yeah plenty of times
009.skinny dipped? Once
010.played truth or dare? Many times
011.flashed someone? Yes
012.mooned Someone? Yes
013.kissed someone? More times than God can count
014.been on a talk show/game show? Nah
015.been in a fight? Several
016.ridden in a fire truck? Not Yet
017.been on a plane? Hate 'em but yes
018.come close to dying? Sure
019.cheated on your boy/girlfriend? Nope
020.gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride? Haha this lil girl give someone else a piggy back ride? No! I'm the one who does all the riding.
021.eaten a worm/mud pie? Uhh no
022.swam in the ocean? Yes and I don't like it
023.had a nightmare/dream that made you wake up? Yes hate those!
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