I'm sorry to trouble you, and thank you very much! I'm sure I'll figure it out, that's a great start :D But, if you figure out how you did it, I'd still love to hear it, of course :)
I hope I get it close to as awesome as you've done :) Keep it up! Your icons are really nice!
Not at all I find it all quite flattering no one's ever praised me so highly. I'm still working on it. When I get it right I'll make a tutorial for you.
Thank you! Oh, and I never got a chance to thank you for the coloring tip. Thanks~
I hope I get it close to as awesome as you've done :) Keep it up! Your icons are really nice!
A quick thank you:
Thank you!
Oh, and I never got a chance to thank you for the coloring tip. Thanks~
Not at all :D
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