Madden Cursed Image: Goodwill Eddition

Mar 31, 2022 14:30

I found this bad-boy at one of my local Goodwill yesterday. As plainrea knows, I'm a bit of a Madden Football junkie when it comes to video games. I means, some days are "Bloodborn" kind-of days and some are just "NBA Jam".

Now "Madden 13" has seen some popularity as of late. That's due to hard-copies of it has seen a price-spike on the primary market due to it being one of the many titles that'll be 'out-of-print' once the Wii Store shuts down, as it's one of the last PS3 games put out be EA that had Wii U support. Granted it's not one of the more popular Madden titles, but since the digital version has a bleak future, football fans aren't taking any chances and going for the physical games.

That's not why I got it, though. It's just that the only other one I have in "Madden '06" (which happens to be one of the most popular titles)... And it was $3.00!
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