Sweet… we all survived the Mayan Calendar (oh, and 2012).
First thing… I smashed-n’-grabbed this (and a bottle of Kentucky eggnog) off of
Let's start the new year with something particularly nice! I promise to make something for the first 5 people who comment.
Rules:It's made by me, and it gets to you by the end of 2013. If you want something
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Only question: Which do you like more, jewelry or Seiji/Nasutei? *plays Jeopardy think music*
I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks the WC naming blizzards is dumb. The running joke, up here is, "If they named the storms after the 2012 Detroit Tigers, then they won't hit anything".
Hey, at least names like Brayan, Jhonny and Dixon sounds much better then what the Weather Channel came up with.
Oh don't worry...
The War of 1812 is one that most everyone forget about (even I did). But, it's totally understandable, since the war is sandwiched in-between The Revolutionay War and The Civil War (along with it's other forgotten sibling, the Mexican-American War... aka: the one Jasper "most likely" lived through).
I don't think you education is sucky, at all. After all, the knowledge you have when it comes to writing the historical Japanese-based shorts that you do is far better then the majority of people I know. All of you guys on my f-list are highly educated in your own ways. And, needless to say, you have taught me things I never knew about, too.
*Example: You taught me quite a lot about Kentucky geography.*
Well, my education is sucky from a technical standpoint. I can't really tell you dates or names or specifics about a lot of important events, but I am very well-versed in Google and Wikipedia and I do make a point to pretend I know what I'm talking about if what I'm posting has any intention of seeing the light of day. So I suppose I'm very well educated in not looking ill-educated. xD
The running joke, up here is, "If they named the storms after the 2012 Detroit Tigers, then they won't hit anything".
*falls over in giggles*
I see research as a technical strength (because we all know how much of a lost talent that is in our modern-day society… especially in writing). And, that's one of the reasons why I love talking with you. I know that what you say has weight behind it.
I will admit, I’ve use Google and Wikipedia more often than I’ve recounted (I even have Urban Dictionary bookmarked). And, I don’t say otherwise; if I had to look something up, I’ll say so. It’s like I tell my kids… it’s totally okay if you have to look something up if you don’t know. The way I vew it; you’re not trying to not look ill-educated. You’re educated enough to know when you need to look something up.
*Besides, I trust your “Google-Fu” over some people’s working knowledge on the world.*
Every time it happens I hear you and firestar9mm and bluehorse in my head saying, "Research. Reseeeeearch!!!!!"
Nobody should use "Facebook" and "research" in the same sentance. XD
I feel for you when it comes to the "The mysterious 'They' said so, so it must be true" bandwagon. I'm just waiting for one of my kids to use "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" as a first-person, historical source on a paper.
No... Abraham Lincoln was not killed by vampires.
No... commanding officers of the Southern Confederacy were not vampires.
No... I don't care what Stephine Meyers tells you.
*I now think of you whenever I go over Southern campaings of the Civil War.*
Sidebar: I still need to see The Twilight Saga Part II: Breaking Dawn. I'm pretty well done with Twilight at this point and am really glad that Part II is the final film in the series (for now, anyway). It's been nominated for a bunch of categories at the Razzies and I hated the book, but I can't very well forgo seeing the final film having sat through the other four. I need to see how it ends, at least. ^^
I'll catch it whenever it hits the Dollar Theater. *grins*
Oh, yes...
Once I has a girl write down as an answer to, Who was Aristotle and how they shape the world's understanding on science? with:
"Uh, Aristotle ain't a person, it's a store at the mall."
(All I can come up with is that she ment Aéropostale...)
Someone at work sent me a very funny forward of student answers/responses to standardized testing that I think you would find painfully funny. I need to post that to LJ one of these days. I think you'd appreciate it.
I don't know if you're much of a sports fan (so this might not mean anything to you), but I just quoted your Tigers quip to my brother and he said, "At least she's not in Cleveland."
LMAO... tell your brother that a good one!
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