castle 5x23, psych 7x11

May 09, 2013 10:24

"The Human Factor" was much more enjoyable than the last two episodes. I don't know what it is, but the less the show focuses on Beckett and Castle as a couple, the better the episodes tend to be (this is one of those instances where I love the murder-of-the-week aspect as well). I'm as big of a Caskett fan as anyone out there, and I'm a fan of angst, but, well, sometimes the romance scenes between the two tend to be hit-or-miss most of the time. I'm tempted to blame the writing, and not the actors because no matter how talented an actor is, they cannot possibly do good things with shitty writing.

"Just pretend you don't see the sign" I feel like is Castle's motto in life (and mine too).

"Yo, how about I just talk, jackass" I love Esposito.

I don't know what happened, but Shawn and Jules are back together again?! Did they get back together last episode? It makes no sense, it wasn't shown explicitly that they got back together! Although Jules kinda explained it in the episode later by saying she hadn't made up her mind about anything, it was just something "adults did" (sleeping with Shawn when they were technically broken up) and it was just such a handwave-y and bullshitty explanation. Guhh, this is why Psych should always stay a comedy, because, I'm sorry, but they, like the people over on Castle, do not know how to fucking write a satisfying adult, romantic relationship and they should honestly just stick with writing comedy, which they do awesomely and so they shouldn't mess with it (I do acknowledge that not having any romance on the show wouldn't be true to the characters either--it's a very shaky line either way).

But, um, besides that little frustrating bit, IT WAS A HILARIOUSLY AWESOME EPISODE. It featured a lot more of physical comedy, which has been lacking for, oh I dunno, at least since season five or so, give or take a few episodes.

I liked the subtle tribute to Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time"


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