Runaway until the last time

Nov 18, 2010 20:45

There's no new The Vampire Diaries tonight. (Two weeks of reruns.) :/ I'm kinda sad because, well, a happy Thursday is just not a happy Thursday without any new TVD.


(these are all from 2x10)
I'm intrigued by this image of Tyler Lockwood:

Katherine's photo makes an appearance again.

yay! more Tyler/Caroline! (I'm totally still rooting for Matt/Caroline but...that's not looking too good right now and Tyler/Caroline together are kinda cute and have read that the producers are going to develop the Tyler/Caroline friendship/relationship more.)

2x10 promo:

image Click to view

This promo is actually pretty exciting - judging by the fact that I have to re-watch it every minute! Some bullet points:
  • We have Damon acting all cave-man and like, "Get your ass out the door before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out myself." Which is all kinds of hot and his eyes during that scene are an extremely attractive blue. And his voice is extremely, extremely sexy too - even more so than usual. Which I didn't think was possible. But there ya go.
  • And more Bonnie/Jeremy closeness.
  • SHIRTLESS!ALARIC <3333333333333333333

So we have some good fan-service next episode. ♥


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tee-vee, spoilers, the vampire diaries, awesomeness

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