Musings from a long lost author

Nov 08, 2008 13:00

Yes! Contrary to what I know you're thinking, I am still writing! As usual, life has been busy and I've decided I want to be well ahead of the game before I start updating once again. The good news is that we're getting closer to an update.

For those interested in What Dreams May Come

Chapters 15, Second Chances, and 16, Love's Direction, are both written. I'm currently working on chapter 17, which is still untitled. The really good news I can share is the entire fic has been outlined. Here's the part that floored me; we're going to be around for a while longer. To my best estimate, which isn't absolutely certain as the chapters themselves aren't outlined (and have a tendency to take on a life of their own each time), there's approx. 30 to 40 more chapters left of this story. If I can keep myself from adding any other side stories or running off on a tangent, it should be closer to the 30 mark, but knowing me, somewhere in the middle (and I can almost see the areas that will be trouble for me), I might hit that 40 mark easy. Heh.

So, the story is set, I've had plenty of time to plan it out and it's finally down in outline form and unless one of my betas persuade me due to plot holes or just downright silliness or horribleness, things won't change no matter reactions. I can tell you this much - the story will remain as close to canon as I can make it. It will, of course, deviate from that often enough to stand out, as it is an AU to begin with. It will get dark; there will be character deaths and injuries. You'll be introduced to some new characters, there will be romance, adventures and plenty of drama.

It'll be a little bit longer before any updates will start rolling in. The ever wonderful firstlightofeos  (and somehow I've pulled the also, ever wonderful christycorr  into the mix) and myself have been quite busy and I haven't put a rush on any beta reading. Plus, I would like to stay ahead by a few chapters. That way, in my often times of not being around, or having the time to write, I can still have something to update with.

In the mean time, somehow, christycorr  convinced me to sign up for this year's Fic Exchange at Unknowable Room, so I guess I'm doing that. I fear deadlines, so this may not have been the best idea ever...

Hopefully, I can finish chapter 17 soon and get a good start on 18. When I get that far, I'll start putting pressure on my betas and by the time I get 18 done, I can update with 15 and stay a good three chapters ahead of my posting. I've said this before and I still mean it, with or without any readers, I will finish wdmc. *grins*

Happy reading!

wdmc, writing, fic update

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