Well, what do you know, I am still alive. I was beginning to wonder...
Anyway, after a break from the computer and being online (not that I
chose to take this break...) I'm back and I'm ready to pile on the work.
Oh, that sounded so good in my head, but now I'm scared that I said it outloud. LoL.
To the tgbmods, I'm sorry for my disapearing act, and you don't know
how much it warms my heart that you are so understanding. I grinned
when I read the email from Holly asking if I was still alive. =)
Everything is sounding so great! I'm very excited for this site! I
can't wait until we get it all up and going, it'll be wonderful, I just
know it.
Hmm, anyone reading concerned with my writing...(ha...) well, that went
on break for a while, too. All that's been done is two possible chapter
titles and about three or four possible quotes have been typed on a
blank Word document for the next chapter of wdmc (look, omg, I don't
even remember what chapter number I'm on...*shoots foot*). I do
have the chapter outlined in my head, so it's just a matter of actually
writing it. =) See, I'm half way there. However, my concentration, I
plan, will be given to tgb and the new site. Then we'll post away. ^ ^
I attempted, a few weeks ago, to look over some of my original writings
that are collecting dust on my computer. Agh, it was harsh. Simply
editing and doing some re-writing would not be near enough. I think I'm
currently going through one of those phases where nothing I write is
very good in my eyes. I'm sure I'll kick myself out of it soon enough.
I do have one 'novel' written, in desperate need of being rewritten,
edited, and expanded mind you, that's incredibly cliche, over used and
filled with corny themes, un-nessisary soap-opera like scenes,
and probably some Mary-Sue characters - but I love it all the
same. *giggles* I have "four" stories, novel length, or close to,
completed, and this is the only
one I can stand. LoL. The others are all connected and basically the
same story with different characters (all related to the previous
stories) anyway, so one of these days it'll just be a matter of piecing
all that together.
In the mean time, I do love my HP fandom. I keep getting plot bunnies
for fics that deal with themes and story lines that I'd like to attack
with original characters someday, but I can picture them in use with
Lily/MWPP story lines for now...
We'll see.
At any rate - I'm alive. =)