Jan 04, 2017 19:06
Had a job interview today, so now I'm obsessing over all the ways I might have put the interviewers off hiring me. My main worry is that I put my foot in my mouth when they asked me if I'd mind being the only non-immigrant there and I said "well as long as you can tolerate my inability to speak Cantonese or Mandarin we should be fine."
"We all speak English," replied one of the interviewers, and I thought oh great, now I've inadvertently insulted her language skills. All I can say in my defence is that I was caught off-guard by the question. Later, when my potential boss (Afrikaans) brought up the same query, I did say that I took issue with being referred to as "the real Canadian," and the implication that he and his colleagues weren't.
Anyway, we shall see.