(no subject)

Dec 12, 2009 11:57

Yesterday I watched the copy of Wise Blood I'd got myself for my birthday. It's just as strange a movie as everyone says, and I'll probably need to watch it some more. Preliminary thoughts:

This has got to hold some sort of record for "most mentions of Jesus in an adapted screenplay." Seriously, I don't think the actual Gospels contain this many mentions of Jesus. If you were to play a slightly blasphemous drinking game, you'd likely pass out during the opening credits.

Hazel Motes has a really dysfunctional relationship with his car. Still deciding what the car symbolizes - initially it seemed like: being a guy who is trying to be an atheist, but who is by nature really very religious, Motes has to put his faith somewhere, so he keeps putting it in his car (and with this car, that's probably a serious mistake). Thinking it over, though, I noticed that the car would break down at really specific moments, like it was trying to tell him something (Balaam's ass?)

Also, it's kind of scary watching Dourif hit the steering wheel *over and over and over*.

Favourite line: "There used to be a fire escape out there. Don't know what became of it." LOL.

Where did Motes' family go while he was off in the army? Did they die ("Gone to Become an Angle" - best misspelling ever)? Just take off with no forwarding address, saying "quick, let's hop it before that little freak comes back?" Because that house is way decrepit. Maybe he was gone a lot longer than he thought (fantasizes Motes going off to the Civil War and not making it back till the 1970s).

religion, movies, flannery o'connor, brad dourif is a freak

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