Aug 20, 2009 10:33
It's been quite a while...
I just past the year mark for living in Nashville, last month. I really love it here. Three months ago I finished my Americorps service and was hired on as a full-time Outreach Worker on the homeless team at the mental health agency I've been working with for the past +year.
I pretty much work with the most awesome coworkers...
Granted, it's um, a bit stressful at times...frustrating...dead ends and overgrown paths everywhere you turn...but it's good.
I just go home and garden...pick some vegetables and fruits...dig my toes in the dirt...swat away the goldfinches argue over the sunflowers...wonder how many chigger bites I'm going to find when I take a shower later.
You know. Relaxing stuff.
There has been a fellow I've been getting to know for a few months.
We go kayaking and hiking and camping. We garden barefoot together and spend the weekends making fancy pickles and making fig and pear preserves. He sews things...makes bags out of old seat belts from junk cars...dyes cloth.
He has an 8-year-old son...awesome kid! We ride bikes to the no-kill animal shelter and play with kittens and walk the dogs.
Pam, my housemate, just had a new grandchild, so I've had to pick up extra work around the house and gardens...we have so much produce! I don't know what to do with it all. It's just constant cutting up, cooking down, and freezing. Or dehydrating, but that takes a while. I am thoroughly enjoying being Simple. Cutting the pressure I put on myself in half! I'll be glad when a third person moves in next month, though.
CARLIE! I'm so happy for you...
Much love to everyone.