Title: A New Dance
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Twelve/Clara
Word Count: 1,557
Summary: Clara was quickly finding that a new Doctor took some getting used to.
Author's Note: I'm fully expecting this to become non-canon once Season 8 airs, but I wanted to write something for them anyway.
A New Dance )
(Would you consider posting this to clara_who to spread the love?)
(And of course! I'll do that right now!)
I'm pretty sure Moffat compared Twelve to Nine in an interview somewhere, which makes me less worried, since I adore Nine. I'm sure I'll love him no matter what he's like, though.
Ooh, Nine! V. promising! And yes, Twelve will be Twelve and we'll love him.
I'm sorely tempted to write Twelve/Clara porn based on what Moffat's been saying, but I'm nervous writing porn when I have the characterization down pat - doing so off of hints might prove dangerous to my health! Maybe I'll just stick to writing Eleven/Clara for now. Or write a The Musketeers/Doctor Who crossover where Clara meets Cardinal Richelieu...
Twelve/Clara porn sounds daunting to write, but also very awesome... wouldn't want you to endanger your health writing it, though! And ooh that crossover would be fantastic...
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