S E V E N T H P A R A L L E L;
{01: birds don't fly on the...
On August 11th, 2010, lilxinyue is about to bring forth another
acheivement. With previous websites like Nostalgia & XYdesigns,
she's doing it all over again. seventhparallel is a portfolio &
graphic request site showcasing lilxinyue's works from 2006-'10
along with awards from various graphic challenge sites. {birds}
lilxinyue's opening her graphic site majorly to yunjae writers
because she, as one would state, is a [complex] yunjae fan~
so support her by viewing the website, leaving a message, or
maybe even submitting in a request. {don'tflyonthe...}
And don't wait around! lilxinyue is only opening requests 'til
October 9th, 2010 where she'll be updating her site with new
updates! So be quick before time runs out! {seventhparallel.}