Apr 14, 2003 20:31
wow... where have i been? busy and tried and busy and tired. i don't want to delete this. i still like my pretty livejournal! and moomoomilk is a damn cool fucking name!
i was sick for a few days 3 weeks ago. missed a few days of school. fell behind in some classes but i'm back on track now! as always!
brandon and i aren't together anymore. i broke it off cause i don't think i'm "mature" enough for him. not so much mature... but like i said, he's a senior and super busy and starts college soon. and i think he's going to go to boston or something, so i don't wanna get too attached and then having him leave after the summer. that's no fun. matt wants to kill him cause he thinks he did something to hurt me or something. he didn't.
the 27th. of february i had gone to a finch show with the movielife a static lullaby and senses fail. it was soo good! sam absolutely loves them so he came down and we went. it was me, him, matt, zoe and josh. it was fuunn!
zoe bought the prettiest dress for thomas' prom. it's long and strapless and like a pinkish color and so so pretty! and matt's gonna take jodie to prom since she's not graduating and he doesn't wanna take some slut.. heh matt's a nice boy... when he wants to be...
i'm so tired! i'm going to study and then pass out.
byee <3