it's a lot of good words. really. read on!

Oct 10, 2005 00:15

So I've come to the conclusion that the last car of the metro IS the drug car...concluded just from observation this weekend when I used it to get to the tri-rail. The metro is full of the weirdos. the tri-rail is were one meets the cool people. I met four! (always make friends on public transportation, it's a good thing.)
The friends I made on the tri-rail were fricken' cool ppl. The first was Monty this spanish guy who took the train to work and we talked about school and speaking spanish, he tried to get me to speak spanish and such. Then the train got stopped in Davie for 30 min, so this guy in front of us whips out his guitar and says: "how about some entertianment?" and her was actually really good. he sang some Bob Marley, the Doors, The Beatles (upon my request) and everything else from country rock to that "she's a brickhouse" song! this is the second person I met. His name was Mike and he was a New Orleans refugee and was about the same age as me (I met him after he missed his stop caus he was singing "itsy bitsy spider"
with this little girl) how cute is that? One funny thing about him was that while he was playing he publicly anounced that he doesnt need women caus he is self sufficient! interesting...There was a very movie/TV moment too on the train car. He sung "Imagine" and everybody was like mouthing the words and after he was done said something of the sorts of: "wow, this is beautiful. All these diverse people here in this train car, going to different places, and all enjoying THIS song. it's a wonderful thing man" There was also a moment of democracy on a small scale working for the people. The ticket officer asked him to stop playing at one point, and everybody objected, so he yelled out "who wants to here more? " and everybody clapped and he was allowed to keep playing. pretty cool. Next I met Naeilya (spell check please) who actually goes to UM and lives in the other tower of my dorm. so that was neato. We talked about the crazy singing guy that walks around our campus singing horrid renditions of R. Kelly like songs at the top of his lungs. lol and lastly I spent the remainder of the ride talking to Cesar a guy who also tried to get me to speak spanish to him (and I actually did practice my spanish on him!). he was telling me about his agricultural safety job and such and I was telling him about our UNICCO battle here on campus which he found amazing and close to his realm of work. and I almost talked too long with him, caus i just barely made it out of the train doors in time at my stop! whew and that was the train to paraphrase...
other occurences this weekend:
Serenity in MIA
Wallace and Gromit in Delray(along with complimentary souvenier from the theatre) ;)
Risk at Pat's house with P, Rob, Gabby (with observation by Christina and Stephanie)
+I was out first, but i attribute that to be le tired from drinking all my drinks b4 we got into playing
then la playa en la manana con Patman, Rob and Melissa (also lunch at Scully's , love that place)
later i did my rounds around town of visiting people and made it to the Y with parental units to work-out
and finally trip back to MIA with stop at Nana's to pick up baked goods (yum!) and dinner at Toni Roma's
OH! and good ice cream from Wall's

that's one filled and yummy weekend if you ask me :D

it was good to see everyone and hang/meet nuevo people. Now let's start another Manic Monday!
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