Boys are stupid heads!

Sep 07, 2006 01:05

Hump day is over so the week is almost over. I don't understand why guys can be so confusing. The thing is you can change a guy they can only want to change themsleves, like Evan said girls think guys are tool kits you want to fix them lol. It just when you really care about a person and you something is going on and you want to help, but for some reason you always get the all guts thrown at myself. It's really not fair? I really need to date around, i really think I am ready now. Even though I really care about a person a lot. Sam might hook me up with a friend of hers? I also ask Ryan to fix me up with some hot Purdue guys, but he doen't like the idea of me dating around. I just don't were to meet guys, most guys become like my brothers. this year is going to be a good year and I am not taking anything too serous expcept my school work and theater! i just hope someday this one guy figure out what he missing out on, but the thing, is when he does figure it I think it well be too late. Ok it late and I have bitch too much already, or maybe just worried about a friend a little too much. I guess I well just say some extra prayers tonight!
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