あやのちょー便利日本語レッスン!(My super useful Japanese lesson!)

May 24, 2009 14:20

Hello! Today I feel very . . . bored, so I decided upon two things!

1. I shall teach you all some very useful Japanese phrases (useful deemed by me), and what situations they are appropriate to use them in! Then you can go out in the world, and use them to your hearts desire!!!! ~(゜▽゜)~

2. I am going to go buy a hair curler, and then curl my hair nonstop for fun! やっほ~~~~~~~(にんまり)

Okay, so let's start!

1. あそこのイケメン、ちょうタイプなんだけど
Asoko no ikemen, chou taipu (type) nandakedo.
Meaning: That hottie over there is totally my type.
How to Use: Point to a selected hottie of your choice and say to your friend. Use in situations where a 胸キュンキュン hottie is near by.

2. このドレス・スカート、マジで微丈じゃね?
Kono doresu (dress)/ Sukaato (skirt), majide bitake jyane?
Meaning: Isn't this dress/skirt a really weird length?
How to Use: Apply when in a dressing room and trying on a dress or skirt with a weird length. Can also be applied to your own clothes, before fixing it.

3. 最近めっちゃ疲れてて、______をする時間がないや!
Saikin meccha tsukaretete, __________wo suru jikan ga naiya!
Meaning: Lately I've been so tired, I don't have time to do __________!
How to Use: Insert something you like to do in the blank, but haven't had time to do. An example could be something like karaoke, or keshou (make-up), or whatever suits your fancy. If it's already a verb, get rid of the (wo suru) part, and just use the verb + jikan ga naiya!
Use when explaining your tired-ness to a friend. =D

Okay, that's it for now. I hope you enjoyed my random phrases! Please use them appropriately and accordingly! ばいっちゃ!☆

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