Jan 09, 2005 18:05
If I lived my life to the quote "Useful is beautiful" I'd be Shane MacGowan from the Pogues. If he floats your boat, step away from the Kim. I did no work in the holidays and I have done no work since going back. I think I lost my work ethis about 3 years ago and seeing as GCSEs were easy my luck may have run out. Oh dear children, the shit has hit the fan. One would think that after realising this, I wouldn't be sat here whining about it, no, I would be off, telling my english teacher how much I love Jane Austen. No, that would make me the anti-teenager so here I am, bitching to you all and woe betisde you if you don't listen.
Hmmm..something important, deep and meaningful ~racks brains~ nope I got nothing. Bear with me...I'll think of something and you'll be so astounded you'll be sick with shock. Cleaning that up will give you something to do for the next few weeks, just think of it as a service. My friend told me the other day that Michael Jackson has a black willy. How he knows this I have no idea but it worried me so it did. I quickly changed the sunject for fear of him incriminating himself further.
My forehead hurts and I keep being told that I look ill and that I look like I've lost weight. I'm fine, perfect in fact. Bow down to me and my greatness for we own you all. Well I had better ake me great self off to better things like revising....mmmm....mocks...tastes like chicken!