Mania notes...

Jun 10, 2012 23:16

Phew. Back at work, which feels really good. Sundays are quiet, and I've got three screens to try to organize my head. Also, the A/C actually seems to be working right today. Hoorah for that!

I'm kinda doing the whole "teachable moment" thing about my fibromyalgia and my bipolar II at the moment, so that's what this is about. Feel free to skip if it doesn't interest you. It's largely about the experience of having invisible and unpredictable chronic illnesses, and some of the particulars of what that's like, at least for me. (mostly delayed until I have time to finish it, fyi)

First of all, this is what it looks like in my head when I'm this manic:
(all from notes I sent myself in email) (because a phylum that makes up 80% of the world's animals is worth knowing the word for)

Good grief. I typed that about an hour and a half ago. Since then I've have two other posting windows open, and dozens of other book links researching the massively expanding Moominrecs article that's coming out of this comment to myself, as well as a backup article just for filing all the other cool animal and evolution-related kids books I'm finding that don't belong on an arthropod article. 2 different browsers, four different windows, so many tabs on each I'm afraid of crashing a browser before I copy it all down. Mania in action, folks, mania in action. Sit back and enjoy the show.

And now that it's almost eight hours later, I've got an incredible post about arthropods, and never got any further over here! Oops!

Anyway, here are some of the other quickie notes I've sent myself in the past 24-hours:
Signs: do as we say not as we do? List courses with justice themes
Post about tens treatment for ic
Randy and keith - paint crew
Write about genderqueerness and tomboy identity
Bowling alone and trust/community in my life.
Write about skeptical atheist with great belief in the cultural and evolutionary power of myths and storytelling (quote about the Big Lies)
Post recs about Buffy, Xena
Post about maintenance issues
Post about mania
Write letter to clinic
Send caregiver award

daily life, myhealth

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