EEOC covering gender identity discrimination is a big effing deal -- Totally agree! This is wonderful news!
Feministing: Undercover anti-choicers use sex-selective abortion in attempt to discredit Planned Parenthood Salon: The myth of the “morning-after abortion pill”
There's a reason why people mistake emergency contraception and abortion: The right intentionally confuses the two ONTD_Political: The ‘biblical view’ that’s younger than the Happy Meal Alternet: 'Festive, Righteous Anger': Occupy Makes May-Day Comeback With Massive Demonstrations -- Aside from our
local violent anarchist assholes (who've been rightly arrested and charged), things seem to have gone quite well!
OccupyCleveland: Digest - May 5, 6 & 7 - Sorrow (includes statement on the would-be bombers)
MotherJones: The GOP's New Sneak Attack on Abortion Rights
Buried in a Republican bill to give states more say over health care funds is a provision that would restrict how they spend their own money on abortions.Feministing: Quick Hit: Toxic workplaces in the reproductive health, rights, and justice fields ThinkProgress: Health Disparities Report Highlights Transgender Concerns Feministing: Tax-funded CPC’s now hiring: Christians only need apply Feministing: Wisconsin’s Coercive and Web Cam Abortion Prevention Act Feministing: Maddow interviews the Mississippi OB-GYN fired for being pro-choice MaddowBlog: Detroit kids start 'Freedom School' Feministing: Chen Guangcheng, reproductive rights activist ONTD_Political: What Men Say About Women When They Think You've Never Been One -- some of the most fascinating insight into gender in our culture comes from trans men and women who have experience being perceived both ways at different points in their lives.
ONTD_Political: U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel* today issued a preliminary injunction saying [Texas] can’t bar Planned Parenthood from offering services through the Medicaid Women’s Health Program, pending his final decision in the case. ONTD_Political: Overweight women are being discriminated against when applying for jobs and receive lower starting salaries than their skinny colleagues, according to a new study. -- Gee. This is my shocked face.
ONTD_Political: Boy Scouts of America official resigns in protest over expulsion of gay mother ONTD_Political: 14% of leg fractures in toddlers due to riding down the slide on an adult's lap TheLJStaff: Help Us Support Planned Parenthood -- two of my friends got these for me. It totally made my day!
ONTD_Political: A United Nations investigator probing discrimination against Native Americans has called on the US government to return some of the land stolen from Indian tribes as a step toward combatting continuing and systemic racial discrimination. ONTD_Political: Thousands of Japanese marched to celebrate the last of this nation's 50 nuclear reactors switching off Saturday, shaking banners shaped as giant fish that have become a potent anti-nuclear symbol.
Japan will be without electricity from nuclear power for the first time in four decades when one of three reactors at Tomari nuclear plant in the northern island of Hokkaido goes offline for routine maintenance checks. ONTD_Political: Rare White Buffalo Calf Found Killed -- Absolutely obscene.
ONTD_Political: Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has signed a bill that will cut off public funding for organizations that perform "nonfederally qualified abortions," striking a blow to Planned Parenthood in the state. ONTD_Political: Arizona shooter was neo-Nazi and former GOP official TheNation: Five Overlooked Battles in the War on Women ONTD_Political: The Beginning of the End of the Unpaid Internship ONTD_Political: Prosecutors Systematically Eliminate Gay Jurors in Activist Trial ONTD_Political: ‘Don’t say gay’ bill prompts lawmaker to come out... ONTD_Political: New Asset Test For Pa. Food Stamps Set To Begin ONTD_Political: Officer Allegedly Blinds Woman with Pepper Spray ONTD_Political: Tiny jellyfish like creatures shut down nuclear power plant ONTD_Political: Cleveland DJ tells parent to use 'corrective rape' on daughter ONTD_Political: The NAACP's Jacksonville chapter has thrown its support behind a woman who will be sentenced Monday in a shooting where she claimed self-defense against an abusive husband under the state's Stand Your Ground law.
Marissa Danielle Alexander, 31, was charged with three counts of aggravated assault in August 2010 after she fired a single shot into the ceiling of her home during a dispute that somehow turned physical.
A judge denied her immunity in a Stand Your Ground hearing. And after a jury found her guilty, she faces a mandatory term of 20 years in prison. ONTD_Political: Victory For Women! Anti-Abortion Personhood Bill Fails In Oklahoma Legislature ONTD_Political: Black Family Held At Gunpoint By New Neighbors, Arrested By Accident From New Home ONTD_Political: Hospital patients waiting in an emergency room or convalescing after surgery are being confronted by an unexpected visitor: a debt collector at bedside. ONTD_Political: A transgender African-American woman is set to go on trial next week on charges of second-degree murder for an altercation after she was reportedly physically attacked and called racist and homophobic slurs outside a Minneapolis bar last year. Chrishaun "CeCe" McDonald received 11 stitches to her cheek and was reportedly interrogated without counsel and placed in solitary confinement following her arrest. There were reports that the dead victim, Dean Schmitz, had a swastika tattooed on his chest. McDonald’s supporters say the case is symptomatic of the bias against transgender people and African Americans in the criminal justice system. ONTD_Political: Las Cruces, New Mexico is threatening to cut off water, gas and sewer service over unpaid red light and speed camera tickets. ONTD_Political: Up to 40,000 Norwegians have staged an emotionally charged singalong in Oslo near the court building where Anders Behring Breivik is on trial for the murder of 77 people in a protest organisers said showed he had not broken their tolerant society.
"It's we who win," said guitar-strumming folk singer Lillebjørn Nilsen as he led the mass singalong and watched the crowd sway gently in the rain. Many held roses above their heads, and some wept.
The protest followed several days of defiant testimony from Breivik, who has admitted killing his victims but denied criminal guilt.
The crowd chose to sing Children of the Rainbow, a song that extols the type of multicultural society Breivik has said he despises and one he dismissed during the trial as Marxist propaganda. ONTD_Political: Book Review & Excerpt - The Self-Made Myth Alternet: 5 Special Interest Groups That Help Keep Marijuana Illegal Alternet: Tony’s old pair of Levi’s may well have been made in the U.S, and they likely cost more than his new pair. The new ones were manufactured abroad - Levi’s closed its last U.S. factory in 2003 - and, though Tony didn’t buy them at Walmart, their shoddy construction can be blamed at least in part on the giant retailer and the way it’s reshaping manufacturing around the world. ONTD_Political: "Fewer people registering for Susan G. Komen races" ONTD_Political: Gawker Calls Out Hipster Racism, Is Called Out for Hipster Racism RollingStone: Beastie Boys Co-Founder Adam Yauch Dead at 47
Influential rapper was diagnosed with cancer in 2009 Feministing: Julia Bluhm is one bad-ass 8th grader. You may have heard about the petition the SPARKteam activist recently started, calling on Seventeen magazine - in the effort to include real girls in its pages - to feature just one photo-shopped spread per issue. After 30,000 signatures, Seventeen editor Ann Shoket invited Julia to meet on Wednesday - though not actually agreeing to address Julia’s request at all. KansasCity: Kansas Senate passes abortion bill, sending it to BrownbackThe legal protections extend to any individual or institution that "reasonably believes" that the use of a drug terminates a pregnancy. Some critics said that provision will allow doctors and pharmacists to refuse to prescribe or dispense birth control.
They also said it could allow a doctor to refuse to provide chemotherapy to a pregnant cancer patient because it might end her pregnancy.
Furthermore, critics said, patients wouldn't know about a provider's moral objections until the provider refused to provide treatment or dispense a drug - and the provider wouldn't have to refer the patient elsewhere.
Feministing: A Feminist Craft DailyBeast: Filmmakers gathered in Toronto this week for the annual Feminist Porn Awards. Maura Kelly reports on the films, the followers-and the critics. -- I'm a big fan of the Feminist Porn awards for making me a handy little "must view" list with their awardwinners. And I believe porn can be as thoroughly feminist as any other endeavor, and that right now most of it isn't. I also think we'll do better in looking at workers' rights issues in that regard than getting obsessive about the fact that it's about sex.
NYTimes: The Criminalization of Bad Mothers GretaChristina: Sex Workers - An Invitation to Tell Your StoriesMy contribution:
I truly wish I had more time to give this the considered thought it deserves, but I at least want to give my “basics”.
I worked in phone sex for about a year. It was entirely voluntary on my part, and mostly due to interest in the field as a sexuality geek. It was at a company with excellent treatment of their employees, which made more of a difference to me than anything else. I was worried it might give me negative feelings about men, despite having been theoretically in favor of sex work for years prior to this. I didn’t find that to be the case at all; if anything, my computer support IT job does a lot more to ruin my view of humanity. I found some of the work truly sexually pleasurable, some an ok way to pass the time getting paid, and a relatively small minority actively distasteful. I eventually quit because I was working three jobs, and it was the lowest-paying at the time, not because I didn’t like the work (for values of work that equal “wouldn’t be doing this the same way if I weren’t getting paid”). If anything, I had a lot more ability in that job to deal with problem clients (ban them from my line, get office-provided counseling, etc) than I do working at an IT Helpdesk. Here, people can abuse me all they like and get away with it.
PennyRed: Chains of oppression: Katie Roiphe, Lena Dunham and the sexual counter-revolutionHere are some non-standard sexual trends that editors at Newsweek, Glamour and Cosmopolitan are less keen to make headlines out of: poor women fucking. Black women fucking. Queer women fucking. Old women fucking. Fat women fucking, ugly women fucking, bossy, arrogant women fucking. Women who are dominant in bed. Women who like to penetrate men with big pink strap-ons. Women who want multiple sexual partners at once or in succession. Women who just want to go to bed early with a cup of tea, an Anna Span DVD and a spiked dildo the size of an eggplant. Here are some more: sex workers who want to be treated like workers, rather than social pariahs. men who want to get fucked. Men who are gentle and submissive in bed. Men who don’t enjoy penetrative sex. Men for whom sex is an overwhelming emotional experience. I guarantee you that all of these things go on, but any of them might actually destabilise for a second our cultural narrative of sex, gender and power, so none of them are allowed to be ‘trends’. -- Amen.
BlagHag: The Heartland Institute is a conservative climate-denialist thinktank in the US. And this is their new ad campaign BlagHag: “Do women have too many rights?”More:
BlagHag: Liveblogging Abby Johnson’s “Do women have too many rights?” NationalGeographic: Pictures: New Purple Crab Species Found ScientificAmerican: Fatal Spirotrich Sex DailyKos: Alabama abortion clinic to close May 18th due to anti-abortion pressure WomensENews: Pro-Choice Faith Group Goes Beyond Roe V. WadeThe Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is redefining its
mission and methods. While vowing to never lose sight of abortion
rights, the group is shaping a more holistic health-justice agenda and
turning to movement-building at the grassroots.
BlagHag: When abortion is the more ethical choice (fwiw, the commenter who said “In my opinion, any time a woman does not want to go through a pregnancy, forced birth is less ethical than an abortion. That is psychological and physical torture that will likely leave wounds for life” pretty much nailed my personal perspective)
Care2: “I’ll Be Standing For Planned Parenthood If I’m The Last Person Standing” [VIDEO] Care2: Dispatches From The War On Women: Stop Comparing Abortion To Terrorism Care2: 1,000 Reasons to Trust Women Care2: Operation Rescue claims to be in possession of the records of at least 86 women and girls who were treated in April of this year at an abortion clinic and they plan to turn the records over to the state-after redacting patients’ names and other identifying information and most likely keeping that information for itself of course.
Based in Wichita, Operation Rescue posted what it claims were images of the redacted records on its website and YouTube. They claim the records include patient ages, gestation ages and photocopies of driver’s licenses as well as dates and costs for abortions performed at the clinics.
The clinic said that a locked trash bin on its property was broken into last week but that the bin didn’t contain patient records. Care2: Why Would Anti-Choice Want A Database of Abortion Providers? DarkRoastedBlend: Bookshelf Heaven: Awesome "Containers" for Books FeministMajorityFoundation: House Version of VAWA Excludes Key Protections FeministMajorityFoundation: The Kansas State Senate voted 23-16 on Wednesday to pass a broad bill that gives pharmacists the right to deny women any drug that the pharmacist believes can cause an abortion. The bill extends "conscience" protections to non-hospital facilities, including clinics and doctors' offices. Supporters of the bill claim it protects pharmacists from being sued for following their consciences. FeministMajorityFoundation: Unite Against War on Women Rallies Held Nationwide FeministMajorityFoundation: OK House Passes Bill that Allows Civil Action against Abortion Providers Thou Shalt Not Commit Logical Fallacies (PDF) ONTD_Political: G-spot found: Researcher locates elusive pleasure zone (in a single cadaver)
Discover: New Study That Allegedly Found the Fabled G-Spot Is Deeply FlawedMore:
CBSNews: Scientist claims discovery of "G-spot"structure, other experts unconvincedMore:
KinseyConfidential: New Research Finds The G-Spot . . . So What?More:
DailyBeast: Don’t Believe the G-Spot Hype!Here is what we know for sure: there is an area along the front wall of the vagina that, when stimulated, is linked to sexual pleasure and orgasm for some but not all women.
That’s what I tell my students. It’s what I write in my books (including my most recent, Sex Made Easy, in which I pore over the constant debates about the G spot). And it’s what you should know. It accurately reflects where we are in the science right now. If you’re a woman or have a female partner and want to explore G-spot stimulation, have at it. If you find it enjoyable, great. If not, don’t worry about it-the human body is full of parts to explore.
The G spot, however, is part of a multimillion-dollar industry. There are countless G-spot vibrators and other sex toys. There are G-spot specific books and videos. Some medical doctors-including some that conduct research intended to “discover” the G spot-offer injections and other procedures that are marketed to enhance women’s sexual experiences or to “augment” the G spot. Since you can’t augment something if you can’t find it, there is likely to be continued interest in “finding” the G spot for quite some time, particularly until there is more information about these under-researched and largely investigational procedures.
Discover: Blood in Leeches Alerts Scientists to the Presence of Hard-to-Spot Endangered Animals