In a really weirdly mixed mood today. It was pretty positive, coming off a pretty good resolution to the harrassment crap and a pleasant evening with Chad and morning with the housemates. Then I got some work-related news that I can't discuss at this point, but has shaken me uncomfortably (not directly about me). And a legitimate and fully reasonable "hey you, behave" from AwesomesauceBoss about a meeting last Friday that got too heated. It's actually the former, not the latter, that's really bothering me, and I wish I could say more. Blarg. Also, Awesomesauce Boss suggested I check into getting an official ADA accomodation. Time to do some googling and figure out how that all works (anyone who has done this and can give me pointers?). And I still haven't gotten my new FMLA paperwork back from my doctor's office, which is worrying me, too.
Also, I adore Ringo and Spike (I call them "My Poncho Boys"), but I've been missing Mushroom a lot recently.
On the positive side, Caleb got a bread maker! Mmmmm-tasty! And I painted my bedroom door purple, finally, and have had a bit of energy to actually decide to do extra stuff voluntarily (it's been too long since that's been the case). And I think the med switch is going relatively well. I'm hoping the substantial drop in migraines is related to the med change and not just some random swing in my fibro patterns; I'd dearly like this to last; I haven't had a substantial one in almost two weeks. Body/joint/muscle pain control is still only moderately effective, but I'm feeling more functional overall despite that.
Also, I got several books I'd ordered. I now finally have a copy of
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day for Kidlet, and when he gets a bit older I'll share the other two I got.
I ordered an Out-of-Print copy of
The Tyger Voyage. I just don't understand why this is Out of Print. It's not like
Richard Adams is exactly an unknown. And the illustrations are just stunning (I had Grafton and Bec oohing and ahhing over them this morning -- check the link to see a few). I'd forgotten the entire story is in verse! Culturally there's a bit of gypsy stereotyping, but it's pretty mild and mostly positive, so I'm willing to cut that a good bit of slack.
I also finally got my new copy of
Beyond The Pawpaw Trees!! I sat down and reread the whole thing almost as soon as it arrived at the door. It's as wonderful as I remember, and I'm pleased to discover that it doesn't have cultural nastiness I'd forgotten over the years (doesn't it suck to discover that in books you used to love?). There is a character who is simply known as "The Fat Woman", but I don't find the portrayal of her particularly negative at all, and I find the book overall to have a refreshingly cheerful attitude toward food and joy. And I was worried about how the "Arab" characters would read to me after all these years, but again it felt childlike and oversimplified, but not particularly based in negative stereotypes. I'm really pleased to discover that it's a book I feel I can still give to modern children without a lot of "we'll want to talk about X when you get to it" caveats.
And now it's break time, and I'll get started on Linketies when I get back.