Yay! It sounds like I'll get to see
forestfire over Thanksgiving! It's been way too long, because I just haven't had resources and time for travel to see her in NY.
Also, one of my best friends is looking at going to med school in order to become an abortion provider. I'm so excited and proud for her!
And I got a wonderful message from my best friend from college, and along with being full of warm fuzzy goodness, it also sounds like she may be up here in 2012 for a conference, and we might get some time to hang out for the first time in years.
Otherwise not much going on; I pretty much collapsed when I got home last night (although I did fit in time for some excellent burgers that Caleb made), and slept 'til I needed to come in today (with a few rousts for doggy pee breaks). I'm still really tired, but I'm not sure if it's holdover effects from the sleep-dep Saturday or the weirdly heavy and oppressive weather at the moment. Either way, I'd really like to crawl under my desk and nap for a good long while.
Oh. Surprise. Just had my midyear review (rather belatedly). All good and happy. Yay! (not surprising; I adore my boss, and will happily bend over backward to help the department reflect well on him)
This weekend is clinic escorting with NL, and then we're going to the Stand Up for Planned Parenthood Rally. Reminder for anyone else interested:
Raise Your Hand Rally
Featuring Cecile Richards
September 17, 2011
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Cleveland Health Center
7997 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44103