Union Solidarity Links and Info

Feb 22, 2011 18:55

Well, I managed to get through to every office except the White House during my break (didn't have time to stay on hold, so I guess they're getting an email). The staffers in the various dem offices sound every bit as excited about the world as I am right now. I didn't make the repub staffers argue with me, just politely expressed where I stood on the issues as a constituent and wished them a nice day. Still, at least Kasich's heard from me now, fwiw.

50-State Mobilization to Save the American Dream
From MoveOn.Org:
We call for emergency rallies in front of every statehouse this Saturday at noon to stand in solidarity with the people of Wisconsin. Demand an end to the attacks on workers' rights and public services across the country. Demand investment, to create decent jobs for the millions of people who desperately want to work. And demand that the rich and powerful pay their fair share.

More action from People For the American Way:
Gov. Kasich and his right-wing allies in the state legislature have a plan very similar to Gov. Scott Walker's in Wisconsin ... one that falsely uses the guise of addressing budget shortfalls to take a meat axe to public employees' rights and benefits.

Senate Bill 5 is moving through the committee process and it's time for Ohioans to stand up for their rights. Thousands have already begun to rally in Columbus against SB 5. Please join labor, clergy, community leaders and ordinary citizens from across the state tomorrow in Columbus to show that Ohio cares about workers' fundamental right to organize and bargain collectively.

When: Wednesday, Feb. 23 at 11:00am
Where: The Teamsters Bldg. at 555 East Rich St., Downtown Columbus, OH 43215

If you have any questions, email brian@progressohio.org.
Link to PDF flier for distribution

Union protesters locked out of Statehouse, according to Democrats, who call on Kasich to let them in

Does Ohio really hope to save itself by turning its public labor unions into the enemy? Phillip Morris

Thousands of public workers expected Tuesday to protest Republicans' plan to overhaul collective bargaining law

Ohio Union Protests Gear Up as Vote Nears in Wisconsin Assembly

Indiana Democrats Stage Walkout; Thousands Protest in Ohio

Ohio Statehouse locked amid union protest

Thousands Gather to Protest Bill in Ohio

Ohio Unions Protest Bargaining Bill

Ohio Unions Protest Collective Bargaining Bill

Public Worker Protests Spread From Wisconsin to Ohio

US union protests: Demonstrations move beyond Wisconsin

Labor supporters plan big Statehouse rally today

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

When Matthew Wisniewski created an incredible video about what’s been taking place in Wisconsin over the past few days, he said, “Please pass on this video if you like it. It needs more publicity. People need to see why we’re protesting.”

I’m not sure having the AFL-CIO send this video out to our entire e-mail list is quite what Matthew had in mind-but our staff loved this video, and we think you will, too. Matthew’s video shows the unbelievable people-powered energy behind what’s happening in Wisconsin.

Public employees, not taxpayers, will pay for changes to the state's five pension systems under House bill

Crowd descends on Ohio Statehouse to protest changes to collective bargaining

The Last Time Scott Walker Went Union Busting, He Was Overruled And Wasted Taxpayer Dollars

New Poll Sees Walker's Number Slipping

Ohio workers rally to defeat anti-worker SB 5

What's Going on in Wisconsin? Latest Developments and Analysis on the Democratic Uprising Against Gov. Scott Walker

The Coming Shutdowns and Showdowns: What’s Really at Stake

Wisconsin roundup 2/22

This is getting ridiculous: Is Scott Walker Cutting Off Internet Access To Thwart Protesters? I mean the comparison of the strike in Wisconsin to the protests in the Middle East only holds up so far before it’s strained, but if this is what’s happening at the moment:

From Cairo to Madison: Hope and Solidarity are Alive

Indiana Democrats Flee Statehouse; Gov. Daniels Won't Support GOP's Anti-Union Bill

Madison Protests Hit Largest Numbers On Saturday

Wisconsin Protests Draw Thousands Of Workers Fighting For Key Union Rights

AFL-CIO Polls Show Wisconsin Supports Protestors, Opposes Walker

Jon Stewart: 'Wisconsin Union Protest Is The Bizarro Tea Party' (VIDEO)

Wisconsin Legislature Shuts Down Comment Line After Too Many Complaints

OK, anything further is going in general linketies; I want to get this info out before the end of the night.

politics, linkety-linkety

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