
Sep 06, 2010 22:55

Feeling like warmed over crap today, but it should be a quiet one at work, thankfully. Also, X has managed to vanish herself in the house somewhere, and we haven't been able to find her in 24 hours. Frustrating, because it's not a reason to be legitimately deeply worried yet -- she does this every so often, and has yet to not be somewhere of her own choosing inside the house (at our old place, often inside the back of the couch, making the cushions purr!) -- but mildly stressful nonetheless.

On the positive side, if I didn't already mention it (I'm full of brainfog, I have no idea what I've said or haven't), Jer picked up Max Headroom!!!! Can't wait!

The Anatomy of a Call Out (And Why It Needs To Change) -- Really useful and relevant to me, in regards to my current disinterest in engaging on ontd_feminism, especially. The first linked article is also fascinating and gave me some good insight into my own activism tactics and weak points. I'm on the appeaser side of the scale, and have a very hard time dealing with nukers (I have a very hard time emotionally with conflict, and I wish I were better at that in general actually), although I fall on both sides of the logic bomber/emoter scale about equally. Paradox_dragon has a lot to say in the comments that I find additionally valuable, in terms of preventing this argument from swinging too far the other way, back to problems of expecting oppressed groups to smile nice and educate politely all the damn time (and it should be noted that this conversation is about tactics in activism, not a declaration of what those not functioning in an activist role should do in response to offense and hurt). As I've found in face-to-face activism work, the point that we need multiple different strategies and personality types in order to make the most progress rings very true to me. I think I've found it most difficult when I've been denigrated as 'not a real activist' simply because I don't use the same tactics as another person. Over the years, I've come to describe my primary activism technique as being educational in nature, rather than confrontational. It makes me good at dealing with some situations, bad at dealing with others, but on balance, I think it's the most effective path for me to take if I want to maintain my sanity and my interest in changing the world around me. It suits how my psyche and personal philosophies work, and it generally leaves me feeling more psychologically rewarded than punished for the experience. I neither expect nor want everyone to do things the same way I do, but I do think the questions raised about how "swarming" has been happening in the feminist blogosphere, and what that does to our ability to build functional activist community, are relevant and worth examining.
Related: i don’t know when it happened. but somehow somewhere in “social justice blogland,” the whole point of blogging became “calling people out” rather than having conversations and engaging people.

Oliver Sacks on face blindness

Mind-Bending Optical Illusions

Petraeus: Church's Quran Burning Will Endanger Troops

Raw Video: Colour film of London Blitz found

Feisty Fennec Fox Kits for Drusillas Park

Latest leaked draft of secret copyright treaty: US trying to cram DRM rules down the world's throats

A. Schulman Inc.'s 'whole wheat plastic' is lighter, stronger and greener

Even if you're a massive science fiction fan, there are probably still some great shows you've yet to discover. But for massively long-running shows, where to begin? Here's our guide to how to start watching twenty classic science fiction shows.

It's confirmed: bed bugs are back. Here's what you can do about them.

New Study Proves Organic Strawberries Have Better Taste and Nutrition Than Conventional

Olympia, 2-war naval veteran, battles for survival

How to open a new book

Yes, you can fix stuff…

FTA Study: $77.7 Billion Needed to Bring Rail and Bus Transit Systems into 'State of Good Repair'

Ohio declares war on exploding wild pig population -- Problems I did not know we had.

High-tech carts will tell on Cleveland residents who don't recycle ... and they face $100 fine -- I definitely think they need more warnings before the tickets. We got one, for miswrapped trash several months earlier, and it was a big hassle and mess to sort out. I think a ticket on the second offense is reasonable, but first offense should get a warning so the person has a chance to correct things they may not have known were wrong.

Buried by advice on Web? Health libraries across Cleveland can find authoritative answers

Nearly 50 percent leave Obama mortgage-aid program

Death Row Inmates Catch a Break as Lethal Drugs Run Out

U.S. Soldiers Film Themselves Pranking Iraqi by Planting a Grenade In His Trunk

Those of you familiar with my main tattoo will probably get why I love this vid so much: All Creative Work Builds on What Went Before

A professional voice coach critiques 5 classic metal singers

That Mitchell and Webb Look: Homeopathic A&E

The Jehovah's Witnesses redefine irony

FedEx tries to tap taxpayer resentment by portraying proposed labor law changes as a "bailout" for rival UPS

A good piece on the relationship between slut-shaming and fat-shaming

American Muslims Ask, Will We Ever Belong?

Female Refugees in Vermont Lead as Breadwinners

Gender Pay Gap Underestimates Economic Inequality

What's Killing the Babies of Kettleman City?

The world's foremost certifier of safe and sustainable fisheries has just been slapped down in a new op-ed by a top-shelf collection of scientists in the latest issue of Nature.

Wild chimps outwit human hunters

Many wrongly assume there is a process you can easily go through to become legal. In reality, our immigration system is a bureaucratic nightmare.

Best Cities for Working Moms (If You Can Afford the Daycare)

Indian Woman Forced to Parade Naked for 6 Miles for Alleged Illicit Relationship

I knew I wasn't going to like Nancy Folbre's post on the New York Times' "Economix" blog from the moment I read the title: "Why Girly Jobs Don't Pay Well."

California Zoo Becomes First To Earn LEED Gold Certification

Teen sex not always bad for school performance -- I think they're really overstating as causative issues that may only be correlative (they keep phrasing it as if casual sex causes bad grades, and I can think of a number of other explanations there).

California Moms Live in Breastfeeding Haven

Federal Judge Reinstates Gray Wolf as Endangered in Idaho

Terahertz Detectors Can See Through Walls, Packages and Clothing

Belated but interesting links from RM

How Much Do You Spend on Transport? New Web App Aims To Show You

Officer Sues to Block His Discharge Under Gay Ban

TO appreciate how much and how unexpectedly our country can change, look no further than the life and times of Judith Dunnington Peabody, who died on July 25 at 80 in her apartment on Fifth Avenue in New York.

Are Email Attachments Bad for the Environment? Part II

Ooga Booga Porn!

5 Ways Of Looking At "Sarah Palin Feminism"

Study: Simple Intervention May Reduce Reproductive Coercion

California's Military Women Support Our Freedom. Shouldn't We Support Theirs?

Access to Abortion: Red State, Blue State, Interstate

"Natural" Family Planning? Women in Africa Deserve Better

Becoming a Mother Made Me MORE Pro Choice

Study: C-Section Rates To Keep Rising?

Reproductive Rights in the 21st Century: The Effects of the Hyde Amendment

50% decline in pollination imperils world food supply

electro-chemical toothbrush kills plaque without toothpaste

Inside West Point's Lesbian Subculture

Anthrax Kills 83 Hippos in Popular Ugandan Park

52 percent of American women would take a summer without sex over gaining 10 pounds. A quarter of American men said they would make the same sacrifice.

Edujobs Money: How Can It -- and Can't It -- Be Used?

Oldest evidence of tool use, meat eating identified among human ancestors

Re­cent stud­ies re­port­ing that the Moon has un­ex­pectedly high amounts of wa­ter seem to be wrong, a group of sci­en­tists says.

What hit the Moon? New crater makes a splash

Tracks may tell tale of reptilian land conquest

Battle against barnacles goes genetic

Company floats giant balloon concept as solution to space mess

“Best-ever” Mars map online; public invited to work on it

Exiled stars may have merged to form speeding giant

Planets found sharing strange dances

A new poly site: Openly Poly

The Weird World Of Illness Entertainment

Iris Scanners Create the Most Secure City in the World. Welcome, Big Brother

Buck Angel gyn PSA and Drew Deveaux prostate PSA -- these are awesome, and the first time I've seen trans reproductive health needs addressed in a PSA. Go, them!

Flight Attendant Gets Fired For Saying She Qualifies For Food Stamps

Bumble Bee Conservation

The Secular Coalition of America calls for action against the Texas School Board's Curriculum

Did you know that Wednesday, September 23rd is Celebrate Bisexuality Day? It is! Circlet Press is celebrating by releasing a thematic book! debunks a current email forward about the dangers of CFL bulbs

Keep using the word "SLUT" as an insult if you're petty, hateful and bigoted

FDA wants movie theaters, airplanes, and grocery stores to list nutritional information

Health Reform Reality Kicks In: Costs Still High -- Useful reading if you might need and qualify for the High-Risk Pools (which are now open).

Critics Petition Obama on HHS Abortion Ban

The Moon is shrinking

SMOS satelite can measure soil moisture, predicting where floods will mvoe next

Not-so-charismatic species need protection too!

Map of Night life in prohibition Harlem

Roe v. Wade is Not One-Size Fits All: More Reflections on Burton v. Florida

Student Insurance and Abortion: A Battle at University of North Carolina

Specialized Care for Female Vets May Reduce Access

Does Refusing a C-Section = Child Abuse?

In Illinois, Doctors Refusing to Treat Women Who've Had Abortions

How to cite unusual sources *chuckle*

The Annotated Galactic Center

They Crawl, They Bite, They Baffle Scientists

Drug-resistant germs found to help their brethren through the attack

Palaeon­tol­o­gists are always claim­ing that their lat­est fos­sil dis­cov­ery will “rewrite ev­o­lu­tion­ary his­to­ry.”
Is this just boast­ing, or is our knowl­edge of ev­o­lu­tion so fee­ble that it changes eve­ry time we find a new fos­sil?

Attacked, tobacco plants call their enemy’s enemy

Ending with a couple of amusing metaquotes:
I see London, I see France, I see OWW MY EYES
last time I saw something like that, it was covered in lube

feminism, contemplating, linkety-linkety

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