Internet was mostly down here yesterday...

Jul 30, 2008 13:13

So my linkety-linkety post went unposted.

Teen With Broken Back Tasered 19 Times for Not Standing Up When Ordered

Whistle-Blower: Agency Tasked with Protecting American Workers Fails to Protect its Own

The Killing of Rachel Hoffman and the Tragedy That Is Pot Prohibition

Has Big Pharma Corruption Suppressed Effective Treatment Options?

America's Mental Health Care System in Shambles -- Haven't finished reading this one yet; we're having network probs here, but the drop in life expectancy discussed initially is horrifying, as much as it rings true from all my experiences of seeing people in the system failing to get care.

Crime and Punishment: Illegal Abortion in Brazil -- next time someone tells you abortion should be illegal, ask them what sentence the women should get. It's amazing how many start back-tracking when they really understand what that would mean. Looks like Brazil just got hit with a big dose of reality in that regard.

Bisexual Species: Unorthodox Sex in the Animal Kingdom

The following several are all from bec76:

Pushing Daisies plans Wonderfalls guest spots!

More on the next season of Pushing Daisies

'Evil Dead' series coming back to life

Wallace and Gromit Games

Book Repair

Why are there no green stars? -- nicked from mactavish

What a sane sex education program might look like

A pretty detailed critique of a new book of trans erotica

This NY Times article about Obama as a law professor was interesting

articles, reproductive rights, health, science, drugs, sexuality, media, queerness, politics

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