*nod* I'm minimally affected, because I'm right downtown, and I take major lines. Losing the 807 would still suck, and I wonder if they'd route the 81 down to Steelyard in replacement.
I'm more upset about it on a general level than about how it'll affect me personally, although it will make my life somewhat more inconvenient. I could afford to get a car if I had to, though. Most people using the system couldn't.
They've already recently raised bus fares in Reno, and there's been ongoing talk of a driver strike over wages and benefits, as well as talk that they may still have to cut or reduce routes and times. The buses already don't hit a lot of the city and almost all stop early at night, so that's a bit worrisome. I'm sure this must be going on in a lot of places. Luckily I also get rides a lot instead of having to depend on the bus all the time (it's just too inconvenient for me as it is - I always have to allow at least 2 hours before I'm supposed to be someplace, the routes aren't well planned and I live on the outskirts of town and have to walk for 30 min just to reach a bus stop).
*nod* I think it is. I've heard there's something in the House of Reps right now for providing some assistance to public transit around the country, and I'm really hoping it doesn't get buried in committee somewhere, because we really need these systems working more than ever right now.
What kills me is some knowitall types over yonder where I used to work are convinced that RTA operates at a surplus because of some tax or something. No amount of actual fact can dissuade
To be fair, they aren't idiots when it comes to how other people should maintain their lawns to keep property values from falling and other important stuff like that.
Comments 12
Will you be able to make it to work and patient instructing?
I'm more upset about it on a general level than about how it'll affect me personally, although it will make my life somewhat more inconvenient. I could afford to get a car if I had to, though. Most people using the system couldn't.
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